أفضل طوابق Glaceon Ex في جيب Pokemon TCG
إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على أقصى استفادة من واحدة من EeveElets في جيب Pokemon TCG ، فإليك أفضل طوابق Glaceon Ex.
إذا كنت تتطلع إلى الوصول إلى أبعد ما يمكنك أنت وأصدقائك في الريبو ، فستحتاج إلى تعزيز أدائك باستخدام عناصر الأسلحة والترقية. Here is a list of all of these that you can find in the shops between levels in this horror game.
اسم العنصر | Item Price Range | يستخدم |
Energy Crystals | $7k - $11k | Placed inside the item charger in the van to give your rechargeable items more power. |
Stun Mine | $3k | Used to hold walking enemies in a stun lock for a bit so you can get away. |
Shockwave Mine | $3k | Place this on the floor for walking enemies to trigger, pushing them backward. |
قنبلة يدوية | $3k | A throwable to blow up gnomes, rubber ducky enemies. |
Shockwave Grenade | $3k | Pushes enemies backward |
Stun Grenade | $3k | A throwable you launch at enemies to stun them. |
Feather Drone | $15k | TBA |
Roll Drone | $9k - $11k | If you interact with this drone, it rolls you up into a fast-moving ball that allows you to speed away from scary monsters. |
Zero Gravity Drone | $28k | TBA |
Recharge Drone | $4k | A drone that travels with you and recharges your rechargeable items while it still has battery. |
Zero Gravity Orb | $39k | TBA |
بندقية | $42k | A ranged weapon |
سيف | $23k | A melee weapon |
مقلاة | $28k - $30k | A melee weapon |
بطة مطاطية | $16k | You can throw this, and it bounces around distracting monsters. It can also deal damage to monsters. |
Sledge Hammer | $30k - $40k | A melee weapon |
Inflatable Hammer | $9k - $10k | A very weak melee weapon. |
Extraction Tracker | $5k | Finds the secondary extraction locations |
Valuable Tracker | $15k | Tracks valuables in levels |
Pocket CART | $15k - $18k | A mini cart you can drag around to put valuables in. |
CART | $39k | Another CART for putting valuables in. |
Small Health Pack | $3k | Can be used at any time to heal 25 health |
Medium Health Pack | $5k - 6k | Can be used at any time to heal 50 health |
Large Health Pack | $9k - $13k | Can be used at any time to heal 100 health |
Upgrade Name | Upgrade Price Range | يستخدم |
Strength Upgrade | $5k - $10k | Raises the weight you can carry and drag. |
Range Upgrade | $5k - $8k | Elongates the range that you can grab items from. |
Sprint Speed Upgrade | $6k - 8k | Makes you run faster |
Stamina Upgrade | $2k - $4k | Gives you 10 more stamina |
Tumble Launch Upgrade | $4k - $5k | Allows you to run, jump, then Q-launch yourself further. |
Health Upgrade | $4k - $5k | Gives you additional total health |
Map Player Count Upgrade | $10k - $11k | Tells you what players are still alive when you open the map |
Extra Jump | $10k | Gives you a double jump |
For more indie horror games, check out Best Cult-Themed Horror Games on Pro Game Guides.