جميع العناصر والترقيات في الريبو

إذا كنت تتطلع إلى الوصول إلى أبعد ما يمكنك أنت وأصدقائك في الريبو ، فستحتاج إلى تعزيز أدائك باستخدام عناصر الأسلحة والترقية. Here is a list of all of these that you can find in the shops between levels in this horror game.

Everything in the item shop in REPO

اسم العنصر Item Price Range يستخدم
Energy Crystals $7k - $11k Placed inside the item charger in the van to give your rechargeable items more power.
Stun Mine $3k Used to hold walking enemies in a stun lock for a bit so you can get away.
Shockwave Mine $3k Place this on the floor for walking enemies to trigger, pushing them backward.
قنبلة يدوية $3k A throwable to blow up gnomes, rubber ducky enemies.
Shockwave Grenade $3k Pushes enemies backward
Stun Grenade $3k A throwable you launch at enemies to stun them.
Feather Drone $15k TBA
Roll Drone $9k - $11k If you interact with this drone, it rolls you up into a fast-moving ball that allows you to speed away from scary monsters.
Zero Gravity Drone $28k TBA
Recharge Drone $4k A drone that travels with you and recharges your rechargeable items while it still has battery.
Zero Gravity Orb $39k TBA
بندقية $42k A ranged weapon
سيف $23k A melee weapon
مقلاة $28k - $30k A melee weapon
بطة مطاطية $16k You can throw this, and it bounces around distracting monsters. It can also deal damage to monsters.
Sledge Hammer $30k - $40k A melee weapon
Inflatable Hammer $9k - $10k A very weak melee weapon.
Extraction Tracker $5k Finds the secondary extraction locations
Valuable Tracker $15k Tracks valuables in levels
Pocket CART $15k - $18k A mini cart you can drag around to put valuables in.
CART $39k Another CART for putting valuables in.
Small Health Pack $3k Can be used at any time to heal 25 health
Medium Health Pack $5k - 6k Can be used at any time to heal 50 health
Large Health Pack $9k - $13k Can be used at any time to heal 100 health

All Upgrades in REPO

Upgrade Name Upgrade Price Range يستخدم
Strength Upgrade $5k - $10k Raises the weight you can carry and drag.
Range Upgrade $5k - $8k Elongates the range that you can grab items from.
Sprint Speed Upgrade $6k - 8k Makes you run faster
Stamina Upgrade $2k - $4k Gives you 10 more stamina
Tumble Launch Upgrade $4k - $5k Allows you to run, jump, then Q-launch yourself further.
Health Upgrade $4k - $5k Gives you additional total health
Map Player Count Upgrade $10k - $11k Tells you what players are still alive when you open the map
Extra Jump $10k Gives you a double jump

For more indie horror games, check out Best Cult-Themed Horror Games on Pro Game Guides.