Food Manager -
Food Manager - Take control of your kitchen
********** 重要的 ************
Food Manager已被Myfood取代。
Take control of your kitchen with Food Manager !
- 關鍵功能 -
+在線發送購物清單! (Mysupermarket,Tesco,Asda)
+ 7天餐策計劃者
Food Manager allows you to easy create multiple shopping list's, you can then use these items in your recipe list, add directions then add these recipes to a 7 day meal planner.
The beauty of Food Manager is that you do not have to use all features, This App is great for use as a simple "checkable" shopping list or a full Food Management App
- -筆記 - -
請注意, Food Manager是一個持續的開發項目,如果您有任何建議或評論,請通過電子郵件發送它們以確保閱讀,您的幫助Food Manager將成為您想要的申請。
- 功能即將到來 -