VRApp -
您可以向全球任何类型的电话提出高质量的国际呼吁。 Or you can make uninterrupted FREE voice and video calls, private messaging and file sharing between VRApp users.
VRApp is an All-in-One serverless communication app using 6 times less data.
Why choose VRApp ?
- 最低质量国际电话的价格最低
- 与任何其他通信应用程序相比,移动数据最多要少6倍
- 使您的所有通信安全远离任何服务器
- 即使使用2G互联网,也可以进行高质量的免费语音和视频通话
- 打电话给世界任何地方的任何类型的电话,从智能手机到房东
VRApp offers different types of international calling depending on your needs.您可以将我们每分钟廉价的价格致电到世界上任何数字,也可以享受免费面对面的高清视频/语音通话,并与您的朋友,家人或同事通过高质量的视频/语音通话联系。 Photo-realistic colors and crystal clear voice is guaranteed thanks to VRApp with its new revolutionary communication protocol where you can connect anywhere, even with 2G/ EDGE, noisy Wi-Fi and Satellite networks. When connecting at a cafe or other public space, VRApp will adapt to your Internet connection to still provide uninterrupted calls and keep all your communication encrypted and private.
拨打电话或聊天时保存您的数据计划。 The data-efficient VRApp lets you make voice/video calls for up to 7 minutes while consuming only 1 MB of bandwidth.
VRApp is designed for secure communication.我们关心您的隐私。通信历史记录永远不会存储在任何服务器上。完全加密的消息传递应用程序在Internet上没有任何痕迹。 VRApp will never give third parties access to your data since VRApp doesn't have that data in the first place.
VRApp to VRApp communication is always FREE. But you may add credit to make international or local calls at low-cost rates using VRApp -Out services.
With VRApp , enjoy private chats with your family members or friends, and never worry that your communication can be leaked or hacked.在组聊天中回复或转发特定的消息。用组图像,名称,背景等个性化小组。
You can instantly send and share text messages, photos, and videos, voice, and video recordings, GIFs, or any other files with VRApp messenger download.而且,您可以确定自己的隐私,因为我们正在使用无服务器技术,并加密通讯,以使第三方截获不可能。
No matter where you are calling from or where you want to reach, VRApp provides fantastic prices for the highest quality calls.使用6倍的数据。
上次更新于2024年11月18日 - 新功能:★现在您可以设置一个PIN锁定应用程序并使用PIN或指纹从隐私部分设置
★聊天 /小组聊天中的别针转换
- 布格修复和绩效改进