Kisah Walisongo -
Walisongo or Walisanga is known as the spreader of Islam in the land of Java in the 14th century. Many of them have relations as teachers and students, friends, and some of them are descendants of the Prophet Muhammad they live in three important regions of the north coast of Java, namely Surabaya-Gresik-Lamongan in East Java, Demak-Kudus-Muria in Central Java, and Cirebon in West Java.
瓦利森戈时代是群岛文化中印度教 - 佛教统治终结的时代,被伊斯兰文化取代。它们是伊斯兰教在印度尼西亚,尤其是在爪哇的象征。当然,许多其他数字也起着作用。但是,它们在爪哇建立伊斯兰王国方面的重要作用,也直接对更广泛的社区和达瓦的文化影响,使瓦利宋的故事比其他人更重要。
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