Internet Speed Meter

Internet Speed Meter Практические инструменты
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.8.5
  • 50MB

Internet Speed Meter -

Internet Speed Meter

Internet Speed Meter is a Free tool to Monitor or Examine Your Internet Speed On-The-GO

It's Use status bar Notification to show Internet Speed.

Why do you Need Internet Speed Meter ?

This tool is Perfect to monitor your internet speed like how many Bytes or KiloBytes your phone is receving or sending in per seconds. This tool is everything what you need to monitor Internet Traffic.

Features of Internet Speed Meter

Live Traffic Monitoring: Internet Speed Meter do Live Traffic monitoring which you can see on Status Bar or Floating widget.

Floating Widget: We have Option of a floating widget to show internet speed on everywhere with a small widget on your screen.

Double click on Widget to see widget settings

Hide on Idle Option We have an Option which make monitoring pause when your internet is Idle mode.

Auto Start on Boot: Option to Auto start this app when your device boot up to make things simple.

Hide On LockScreen Option to Hide Notification on Lockscreen(For Android 5.0 and above)

Only Show on Connect You can Enable this Option if you want to pause Monitoring when you are not connected to Internet to save battery. It will be auto monitor again as soon you will connect to Internet Again.

★ Опция обновления Intervel для установления обновления вмешательства на секунды, так как быстрый Internet Speed Meter расскажет вам об использовании Интернета и скорости трафика.

App Theme: Option to Choose Theme from Holo Dark or Holo Light.

Полностью настраиваемое уведомление: у вас есть параметры, которые вы настраиваете свое уведомление, так как вы хотите, чтобы оно было таким, как добавить имя Wi -Fi с его скоростью, показать или скрыть скорость загрузки, скрыть значок приложения, отдельное использование Wi -Fi и мобильные данные и многое другое в будущем.

30 days Data Usage History: Internet Speed Meter Keeps track your Data usage status on daily basis and also show it on a Beautiful chart.

Использование приложений в прямом эфире: мы составляем список, который показывает, что приложение использует ваши данные в режиме реального времени с функцией автоматического обновления. Примечание: Эта функция недоступна на некоторых устройствах, но мы работаем над ним, чтобы сделать его доступными на всех устройствах

Light and Simple: Internet Speed Meter is Very light weight and simple to use tool. Its Easily Understandable with its Simple and Sleek UI.

Accuracy: Internet Speed Meter is Very Accurate that how much data you have used till now. Total data, WiFi data and Mobile data. We also track Based on per app data consuming on real time.

Fast, Ram & Battery Friendly: Internet Speed Meter is Fast and Friendly with Ram and Battery. We use Unique technique to use app in less ram usage and have Intelligent feature to save battery.

On First time when you will open this app It will show data usage from last device boot. so If you want to ignore this then reboot once afterinstalling and before opening this app.

Beta Testing

You can Join this Community of Beta Testers

NOTE:This is the Free version of this app which have all the features listed above but with Ads. For Ad free version, You can get the prime version on Internet Speed Meter.

This app is extremly useful!

Shake your troubles away with this easy to use app.

If you have any comments / suggestions / bug reports please feel free to email us and we promise to respond as soon as possible to ALL queries.

Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что по электронной почте нам гораздо лучше, чем дать этому приложению низкий рейтинг ... Мы будем рады помочь вам быстро со всем, что вам нужно.

If you like this app, please be kind and leave us a good rating / review.


Что нового в последней версии 2.8.5

Last updated on Jul 28, 2015 v2.8.5 Back to Home Update
★Notification Color Back to White and Metarial as Per User's Need.
★Un-needed Permissions Removed and Some Un-Used Options Also Removed.
★Full-Screen Ads Were Managed not to popup Again and Again.
★Things Were Simplified and Transparent Now!
★Splash, Banner-Ads, Un-needed Featuers Removed Forever!
★More Stable Service.
★Auto Stop Bug Fixed
NOTE: App May Crash After Update, Please Clear data of app From Settings First.

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