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Rotten Tomatoes Scores + More
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Now make moviegoing even easier with Flixster 's refreshed movie discovery experience and more.
- Get the latest Rotten Tomatoes® Tomatometer scores and movie reviews from critics
- Find the latest movies news right at your fingertips with the News page in the global nav. Stay in the know with all things movies; from articles on award contenders to video exclusives with the hottest casts.
- Watch the latest trailers and check out cast overviews and movie images.
- Movies don't stop in the theater. Discover what movies are available at home and where to watch them.
Просмотреть фильмы + кинотеатры:
- Browse the latest movies and top box office picks.
- Check showtimes at your favorite theaters or find nearby theaters and connect with Google Maps for assisted driving directions.
- View theater amenities (Reserved Seating, Mobile Ticket, etc.).
- Looking for movie tickets? Guarantee your seats and head straight to the movies with ticketing powered by Fandango.
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