MauMau Rechner -
Application for calculating MauMau intermediate and total results.
MauMau is a card game for two to four players.
After a round MauMau with the family or with friends, the results are recorded on a sheet of paper.
However, what if you do not have pen and sheet handy?
Here BUPAN-Development has developed a solution.
An app that documented to the gameplay and tasks, such as calculating the card values, or the record of the interim results accepts. The app can also calculate and store the total score at any time.
How does the app work?
The cards Jack, Queen, King, Ace and ten each have different values. Is a round MauMau to end, it is these card values to count.
Here simplifies the MauMau computer with a user-friendly interface that adding the card values. When each player has entered his cards, you can now calculate and display the total result.