5 min KYC, Free Quick deposits, Fast withdrawals, multi currency exchange
Download the official cryptocurrency trading app of Bit BNS . The largest cryptocurrency exchange in India, Bit BNS allows users to trade cryptocurrencies at best competitive prices. Ever since its inception in late 2017, Bit BNS has been consistent at providing the best cryptocurrency trading experience across the globe.
For an optimum trading experience, Bit BNS brings you a slew of trading tools & features like:
Realtime Trading - Buy/sell cryptocurrencies instantly with real time trading on Bit BNS .
Bracket Order - Reduce risk to bare minimum with a 3-in-1 Bracket Order. Bracket order trading is your ticket to safer and quick profit in a volatile market.
Margin Trading - Borrow funds to make more profit or lend your funds to earn more by starting a margin trading account on Bit BNS .
Ordens de parada do limite - insira ou saia do mercado somente quando tiver certeza do momento do preço, optando pela negociação de limite de parada em criptomoeda apenas no BIT BNS .
Cryptocurrency Wallet - Park your cryptocurrency funds in our ultra-secure, Google 2FA-protected top cryptocurrency wallet.
P2P INR Mechanism - Enjoy instant and convenient Peer-to-Peer (P2P) INR transactions on Bit BNS .
Mercado do USDT - Criptomoedas comerciais com um par USDT para reduzir os riscos de volatilidade e explorar um mercado totalmente novo que é executado na Tether (USDT).
Earn by Depositing - Grab the advantage of P2P deposit incentives that you can earn by simply depositing money in your INR wallet.
Crypto Wallet -Armazene seus fundos em uma carteira de criptomoeda ultra-segura e habilitada para 2FA com a liberdade de retirar, transferir, depositar ou comércio em um instante.
Instant Support - Reaching out to us is as easy as counting fingers. Just raise a ticket regarding an issue and see it resolved within minutes.
About Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies:
A redescoberta da era digital e já uma revolução, a tecnologia blockchain marca o início de uma nova era, feita para a humanidade, feita pela humanidade. Introduzido ao mundo na forma de Bitcoin em 2009, a Blockchain Technology usa o Digital Ledger para produzir e armazenar registros imutáveis de qualquer coisa que aconteça sobre o blockchain.
About Bit BNS
Bit BNS is a part of Buyhatke Internet Pvt. Ltd. - A organização dos pais, incorporada em 2015. Com mais de 70 criptomoedas listadas no momento, o Bit BNS permite que os usuários comprem e vendam criptomoedas a preços disponíveis e oferecem facilidade de negociação como nenhuma outra troca de criptomoedas. Algumas das principais criptomoedas que se pode negociar com bits BNS são Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), moeda de binance (BNB), neo (neo) e muito mais.
One of the notable recent updates to Bit BNS has been the introduction of the USDT market, where users can trade cryptocurrencies against USDT.
Margin Leverage
Only Bit BNS brings you the ability to trade 4 times your net worth with 4X Margin Leverage. To trade with 4X leverage, a user can borrow 3 times their net worth and trade with a total of 4X leverage on Bit BNS . The minimum net worth a user needs to have on Bit BNS is Rs. 2,000. Bit BNS recommends its users to couple margin trading with bracket order to avoid volatility risks.
Margin Lending
Lend your funds with Margin Lending, which is a feature you can find in the margin trading section. Os empréstimos de margem são, sem dúvida, um dos métodos mais fracassados para obter lucro, emprestando fundos de criptomoeda à taxa de juros fixa por um período fixo de tempo.
Here are some of the top cryptocurrencies listed on Bit BNS :
✓ Bitcoin (BTC)
✓ Ethereum (ETH)
✓ Ripple (XRP)
✓ Stellar (XLM)
✓ Monero (XMR)
✓ Red pulse China (RPX)
And many other top digital assets available for trading in INR, AED, and USDT
Choose Bit BNS for the best cryptocurrency trading experience in the world.