BFM 89.9: The Business Radio Station, Malaysia
BFM is THE destination for the top business news, finance news, current affairs, entrepreneurship, and more. BFM is more than just a radio station, but the best channel for news, period.
Fique no circuito: com notícias ao vivo e conteúdo novo diariamente, cobrindo finanças, assuntos atuais, tecnologia e questões sociais na Malásia e no exterior-você sempre estará atualizado com o que importa no mundo de hoje. A daily dose of BFM is all it takes.
GET SMARTER. Seja informado: hospedado pelas principais personalidades da rádio, BFM apresenta notícias e entrevistas com pessoas no topo de seu jogo: líderes corporativos, líderes governamentais, líderes políticos, analistas de think tank e outros capitães da indústria. Learn to think like and have your world-view shaped through the lens of leaders that have made their mark in the business world.
Seja entretido: quando você estiver relaxando, BFM até os esportes (obtenha o conteúdo com curadoria de nossos editores do mundo do entretenimento, negócios, comida, tecnologia e até carros! You won't be left wanting for compelling content for when you want to lay back and unwind. And you may even learn something while you are at it.
MORE SIGNAL, LESS NOISE: Customise BFM to your interests! Create your own personalised daily update by telling BFM what you are interested in and be rewarded with a daily feed of content JUST FOR YOU.
* Discover fresh, hand curated daily content from BFM – including podcasts, stories, shorts, and videos (coming soon!).
* Be alerted about BREAKING NEWS and live events as they happen.
* Choose your own topics and customise the BFM app to adapt to your tastes.
* Stay up to date with the latest BFM real world events.
* Explore BFM 's archives, including tens of thousands of podcasts produced by the BFM radio team. Whether it is business news, current affairs, or finance news, you are sure to find it.
* Curate your own library of content for later.
* Share the top business news, financial insights, and popular news with your friends.
Some stats:
* No. 1 business radio station in Malaysia with 340,000 Twitter, 160,000 TikTok and 50,000 Instagram followers
* More than 10 million podcast downloads by our listeners
Sobre nós:
BFM é a única estação de rádio independente da Malásia, focada em notícias de negócios, notícias financeiras, assuntos atuais, empreendedorismo, tecnologia e muito mais.
Since first going on air in 2008, BFM has been informing and educating Malaysia about local and international news and events. Our goal is build a better Malaysia by championing rational, evidence-based discourse as a key element of good policy decisions.
BFM aplica sua abordagem baseada no discurso a outras áreas de programação, como empreendedorismo, saúde, moda, artes, esportes e música, bem como à sua iniciativa de educação executiva, a B School para promover a Malásia através da educação e empreendedorismo.
What's New in the Latest Version 3.4.9
Last updated on Oct 14, 2024 Improved visibility of “You're Offline” notification.Added support for Android 14