인상적인 드레스 (DTI) 스타일 대결 가이드

Dress to Deplover 개발자들은 마침내 대망의 스타일 대결 게임 모드를 출시했습니다. 이것은 전통적인 DTI 게임 모드와 패션 TV 리얼리티 쇼의 융합이며 플레이어가 다양한 드레싱 대회를 거쳐 최고의 승자로 선정되어야합니다. So, if you have played a few rounds and are unable to grasp/understand the theme, don't worry! This guide will help clear all your confusion regarding the Style Showdown mode.

How to join the Style Showdown Game Mode in Dress to Impress

스타일 대결은 전적으로 DTI의 새로운 게임 모드입니다. 즉, 이벤트에 액세스하고 게임 모드를 재생하기 위해 스타일 대결 서버로 교체해야합니다. To do this, click on the cog wheel & heart icon at the bottom left of the menu to open the servers list. Here, select the Style Showdown option to teleport to this mode.

How does the Style Showdown Game Mode work in Dress to Impress

As mentioned earlier, the Style Showdown Game mode has multiple rounds depending on the number of players . You can find details about each of these rounds below.

  • First Round : Round 1 is like the default mode of DTI, where you would be given a random theme, and you have to dress according to it. This is relatively simple to understand as this is the core format of DTI. In the end, players with the highest number of votes from other contestants will move to the next round, while others will be evicted.
  • 다음 라운드 : 다음 라운드의 스타일 대결은 도전 이나 제한 사항이 있다는 점을 제외하고 첫 라운드와 매우 유사합니다. As of now, there are seven types of challenges in the game, and one of these will be selected randomly for a round. Also, the players with the least number of votes will be eliminated, while others will progress.
    • Random Item : You will given a random item to use in that round.
    • Item Lock : Some of the items in your wardrobe will not be accessible anymore.
    • Limited Items : You can only equip a limited amount of items during this round.
    • Immunity Idols : Some of the players will be immune to voting.
    • Double Eliminations: Two players will be eliminated in that particular round.
    • Vote Reveal : The game will reveal the number of votes received by a player and the name of the player who voted for them.
    • Speed Round : A round where you will be provided 90 seconds to dress up instead of the default 180 Seconds.
  • POSE SYNC ROUND : POSE SYNC는 스타일 대결의 두 번째 라운드로, 포즈를 올바르게 일치시키기 위해 적절한 시간에 올바른 버튼을 눌러야하는 미니 게임을해야합니다. This is similar to the QTE (quick time events) from popular video games like Guitar Hero or Rythm Zone. Also, players with the lowest score in this round will be eliminated while others progress.
  • 최종 탄원 및 투표 라운드 : 마지막 라운드에서 살아남은 콘테스트는 서버 채팅 채널에서 타이틀을받을 자격이있는 이유에 대한 메시지를 보내서 배심원 팀 (이전 라운드에서 선수)에게 간청 할 수 있습니다. After pleading, the eliminated players can cast their votes and decide the winner of the current Style Showdown.

How to win the Style Showdown mode in Dress to Impress

There are lots of factors that determine your victory in Style Showdown; I have mentioned every one of them below and why you should follow these points.

  • Knowledge of Themes : The most essential criteria for winning the Style Showdown is to understand the various themes and how to dress for them. This does not come naturally, and you have to play the default game mode for a long time to understand each theme and its intricacies.
  • 문제 이해 : 초기 라운드 후에, 당신은 다음 라운드에서 어떤 종류의 도전을 가질 것이며, 그것들을 효율적으로 다루는 것을 이해하는 것이 중요합니다. For instance, during the Item Lock challenge, you cannot use certain objects. So, you must know alternatives to that accessory or prepare something new on the spot. Like this, learn about each challenge and develop a solution/counter for it.
  • 참가자들과 친절하게 : 스타일 대결 여행을 통해 다른 선수들로부터 다음 라운드로 가서 결국 타이틀을 얻으려면 투표가 필요합니다. So, right from the beginning, be friendly with other players and spread positivity among the contestants to gain the upper hand while voting.

드레스에 대한 자세한 내용은 인상을 받으려면 Roblox 드레스의 모든 컨트롤을 인상 (모든 장치) 또는 복장을 저장하는 방법 (DTI) - Roblox를 확인하십시오.