MyEarTraining -
Ear training with interval, chord, scale and solfège (functional) exercises
Ear training is highly essential for any musician - be it a composer, singer, songwriter or instrumentalist. It practices the ability to connect music theory elements (intervals, chords, scales) with real sounds you hear. 이어 훈련 마스터 링의 이점에는 개선 된 억양 및 음악 기억, 즉흥 연주에 대한 자신감 또는 음악을보다 쉽게 전사하는 능력이 포함됩니다.
MyEarTraining 귀 훈련 연습을 거의 어디서나 이동할 수있게 해주므로 악기를 조립하는 번거 로움에서 벗어날 수 있습니다. You can practically train your ears while waiting at the bus stand, traveling, or even at your coffee desk.
음악 이론을 처음 접하거나 집중적 인 학교 시험을 준비해야하든, 경험이 풍부한 음악가이든, 음악 기술을 강요하는 데 도움이되는 100 가지가 넘는 청각 운동이 있습니다. Users with no ear training experience begin with simple perfect intervals, major vs. minor chords and simple rhythms. Advanced users can progress through seventh chord inversions, complex chord progressions and exotic scale modes. You can use tonal exercises with solfeggio or singing exercises to improve your inner ear. Input answers using buttons or virtual piano keyboard. For major music topics, MyEarTraining offers different courses and lessons including basic music theory. Interval songs and practice piano are also included.
MyEarTraining App은 고립 된 소리, 노래 연습 및 기능 운동 (음조 상황)과 같은 다양한 귀 훈련 접근법을 결합하여 귀를 훈련시켜 결과를 극대화함으로써 작동합니다. It's designed for musicians who want to improve their relative pitch recognition abilities and get one step further towards perfect pitch.
** Concept supported by Dr. Andreas Kissenbeck (University of performing Arts Munich)
** “The skill, knowledge and depth of the app is absolutely outstanding.” - Educational App Store
** “I truly recommend MyEarTraining to improve the ability to fully recognize intervals, rhythms, chords and harmonic progressions.” - Giuseppe Buscemi (classical guitarist)
** “#1 Ear Training App. MyEarTraining is an absolute necessity for anyone in the field of music.” - Fossbytes magazine”
The app provides updated statistics to track your progress and can be easily synced to other devices. Use the statistics reports to see your strengths or weaknesses.
- Intervals training - melodic or harmonic, ascending or descending, compound intervals (up to double octave)
- Chords training - including 7ths, 9ths, 11ths, inversions, open and close harmony
- 스케일 훈련 - 전공, 고조파 전공, 자연 마이너, 멜로디 미성년, 고조파 미성년, 나폴리 스케일, 펜타토닉 ... 모드를 포함한 모든 스케일 (예 : Lydian #5 또는 Locrian BB7)
- Melodies training - tonal or random melodies up to 10 notes
- Chord inversions training - identify inversion of a known chord
- Chord progressions training - random chord cadences or sequences
- Solfège/functional training - do, re, mi... as single notes or melodies in given tonal center
- Rhythm training - including dotted notes and rests in various time signatures
You can create and parametrize your own custom exercises or challenge yourself with exercises of the day.
Teachers can use the MyEarTraining app platform to assign exercises to students and control their progress. They can also design their own customized courses and implement student-specific syllabus to help them learn better. For more information visit