Volcanoes -
The app provides various info about Volcanoes and volcanic activity
おめでとう!あなたは世界で最高の火山アプリを見つけました! 300,000 users cannot be wrong!
Why our app?
Very simple - our app offers the most comprehensive set of features related to volcanic activity around the world.
What our app does?
Simple answer - almost everything to do with Volcanoes . And we continue to improve it, so one day it will do everything.
#興味深い事実:2分ごとに、当社のサーバーがVAAC(火山灰諮問センター)に基づいて火山活動通知を送信し、何千人ものユーザーに報告しています。 On average we send about 300,000 alerts per day!
We are always happy to hear from our users. If you have a great idea or would like to provide some feedback, please use "Stay In Touch" screen to contact us.
In more details, our app:
# Shows about 2000 well-known Volcanoes on a map and provides additional information for most of them.
# Optionally presents 100+ volcanic webcams on the map.
# Notifies of ash clouds and displays the clouds and the forecasts on the map.
# Provides VAAC reports and aviation codes for the volcanic activity.
# Displays 7 days of seismic activity (M4+) around the globe.
# Shows weekly volcanic activity as published by Smithsonian Institution.
# Displays tectonic plates' boundaries on the map.
# Displays large airports on the map and provides basic information about them.
# Allows to customise volcanic alerts to get notifications for one volcano, for a region or for a whole country.
# Shows local earthquakes (M1+) for the areas of interest.
# Draws range rings on the map to simplify distance measurement.
Please note: We have to charge for some of the app's advanced features to pay for the app's development and the server hosting.
# You can see a lot of volcano related information on a map.
# You can easily find well-known Volcanoes and learn more about them.
# You can monitor seismic activity around the globe or in the vicinity of the Volcanoes .
# You can get notified of all the volcanic activity in the world or in a region of your interest.
# You can monitor ash clouds and aviation code changes.
# If you are a pilot or a volcano climber, you can plan your trip using range rings.
# You can monitor volcanic activity around large airports.
Simply said - there is nothing like our app.
Download Volcanoes app now!