Survival RPG 2:Temple Ruins 2D -
Part of the Survival RPG adventure games, explore this 2d retro pixel world.
** Versi Remaster **
Survival RPG 2: Ruins of Lost Temple is the sequel of the first retro game: Survival RPG: Lost Treasure. An even stranger adventure awaits you! It is a free 2d classic RPG retro game (role playing games). Ini adalah permainan petualangan RPG yang bertahan hidup yang menggabungkan teka -teki, tambang, kerajinan, dan eksplorasi berbagai hal untuk berhasil dalam pencarian Anda dalam alam semesta seni piksel retro gaya 2D ini.
On the first game, you were exploring to find a lost treasure. After many combats, be a forager, crafting and discovery, you came back victorious.
Now, you heard rumors from a stranger mentioning a magical artifact that lies among the ruins of a lost temple. So you decide to embark on a new journey full of adventures in this retro games leading you to a mysterious temple lost in the jungle.
Agar berhasil, Anda harus menjelajahi negara -negara aneh dengan gurun, hutan, hutan, ruang bawah tanah, gua untuk menyelesaikan pencarian, menyelesaikan teka -teki, membantu karakter lain, menjadi ahli penjelajah dan berkumpul, tambang dan membuat banyak hal dan melawan monster dalam permainan RPG retro ini (permainan peran). Adventures await you.
- 7 story chapters that will bring you to the artifact.
- Exploration of more than 30 dungeons, caverns, jungles, temples and huts.
- More than 180 things to gather, mine and craft
- Multiple roleplay quests and characters to help you in your strange journey.
- 70 crafting recipes that you will unlock during your adventure and exploration.
- Craft tools to help you
- Cut trees with an axe
- Use shovel for different tasks
- Create candles or lantern to see in dark dungeons
- Use pickaxes to gather different minerals
- dan banyak lagi ...
- Discover hidden items
- Forage for food and become the forager expert
- Find hidden treasures with treasure maps
- Fight more than 35 different monsters and bosses
- Explore and solve multiple puzzles
- Classic retro old school RPG style
- Free RPG games (role playing games)
Enjoy Survival RPG: Ruins of Lost Temple. Permainan petualangan RPG 2D retro gratis, menjelajahi negara -negara aneh dan asing, hutan, hutan, kuil dan ruang bawah tanah, berkumpul, penjelajah, kerajinan hal -hal untuk membantu Anda bertahan hidup dan menemukan artefak!
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