Xorix Star Defender

Xorix Star Defender Card Strategy
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0.30
  • 28.06MB

Xorix Star Defender -

Xorix Star Defender Game Strategy Games .'s Best Defense is Attack.

This game is a tower defense strategy game mixture, mixed with direct action which makes it more dynamic and entertaining.

The main objective is to destroy the enemy spatial base before they destroy, its own space base, and the planet that is defending.

To defend its base, it has 2 types of turrets available, some missiles and are effective against enemy ships and space bases, the other type of turrets shoot bullets and are effective only to destroy enemy ships.

His main weapon is his own battle ship.

You must strategic these turrets to defend your base, defend your battle ship, or, help you destroy the enemy spatial base, you decide.

The level of difficulty is increasing automatically, all enemy ships change in form and difficulty at each level, you can choose the degree of difficulty.

It is easy to play:

Touch the point on the screen where you want me to go, your spacecraft.

Touch your spacecraft with your finger, so that it stays still at one point.

Your spacecraft, launches missiles automatically when it is close to a goal.

Touch the buttons of the defensive turrets, to launch the from your spacecraft.

Dodge red enemy missiles.

Some enemy space bases are more difficult to destroy than others, as they have defensive torques of shooting, which seek and destroy the turrets throw missiles that you put around them.

Before starting the game, you can choose how many torretas missiles you want (maximum 5), how many dumps of shooting do you want (maximum 5), and the color of your enemies, you get it touching the difficulty button, several times until you get the desired results.

In the main menu, in configuration, there is a button that increases the level of difficulty of the entire game up to a maximum of 20, the level of difficulty 20, is very difficult, they attack you with many missiles, your enemies are very fast, they hardly let you leave your base when you are already exploiting.

The game is simpler and more pleasant when you select a low difficulty level, ideal for a short game.

Enjoy it is free!

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