
Xonix32 Card Strategy
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 5.8
  • 316.87KB

Xonix32 -

Xonix32 - lightweight, physics based 2D game for Android

Goal: Block at least 75% of the area

Player: The red square. Can move horizontally or vertically. Swipe anywhere on the screen to indicate the direction you want the red square to move. Anywhere. You don't really have to touch the red square to move the player.

Enemies: Black/white squares that move. They can move diagonally at a constant speed, and they change directions when they hit an obstacle. Avoid bumping into these.

Blackholes: Black rectangular shapes on the board. If you surround these without any enemies inside, then they get sealed and will disappear. Not present in "Classic" mode.

Game on!

I invite feedback and comments - either here or at [email protected]

PS: It originally started as an android version of the classic game Xonix32 -You might've played other games called "ST Lines" or "Qix" which I am told have a similar format.

What's New in the Latest Version 5.8

Last updated on Aug 1, 2015 In Version 5.7-5.8:
Possible crash fix for very small screens

In Version 5.6:
Mostly non-random reflections for enemy squares

In Version 5.5:
Invincibility at the initial position
Level selection indicators
Button to rate the app on Play store

In Version 5.3-5.4:
Optimised performance for screens with high pixel density

In Version 5.2:
Blackholes on the board
Better level selection at the start (if you know how to)
More progressive difficulty in levels
More regulated distribution of lives

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