Video Poker - Double Bonus

Video Poker - Double Bonus Card Strategy
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.31
  • 3.32MB

Video Poker - Double Bonus -

Double Bonus video poker game with a strategy analysis engine built-in

Video Poker Strategy Trainer - Double Bonus

This is the popular Double Bonus video poker game with a strategy analysis engine built-in to help you train to become a better player. After each hand is dealt, the strategy engine calculates all possible outcomes to determine the best cards to hold to get the highest payoff. You can click 'Hint' to view the results or you can play without hints. If you did not hold the optimal cards, a popup message will inform you of the error and you will see which cards were optimal. Click 'Pay' to show a payout odds table of all possible hands. Statistics on the number of errors you make will be tracked as you improve your play.

Special Features:

Paytable Selection - Choose from some of the most popular paytables

Hint - Tells you which cards to hold

Payout Odds Table - shows every possible hand and payout odds

Strategy Check - Informs you if you did not hold the right cards

Statistics - Tracks how well your are playing

Log File - tracks all your plays so you can review later


Strategy assumes maximum bet. This game is for entertainment purposes only. No guarantee of strategy accuracy.


Feel free to email if you have any issues. If you believe you have found a strategy error, please take a screen shot of the payout odds table for that hand and send me a copy.

JOIN THE BETA to try the latest updates first!

Change Log:

Removed READ_PHONE_STATE permission

Platform Update

Resized Card images

New Codebase

Fixed RF payout bug

Fixed multiple best options bug

Hold button bug

Added better support for smaller and larger screens

Added feature to skip stats if HINT button is used

Added Average Payout dialog

Fixed skip stats bug

Improved performance of DEAL button due to payout dialog

Added win sound and visual effect

minor improvements to performance

fixed sound enable bug

Added option to disable sound/visual effect

Added Action Menu Button to top for newer phones

Added link to Optimal Strategy

Added Help button in menu which provides some instructions

Enabled option to install to external storage

Added ability to choose paytable

What's New in the Latest Version 2.31

Last updated on Aug 28, 2024 Added option to turn on/off Override of system Display/font size settings.

Some user display settings can cause issues with display
Some phones (primarily Samsung) have issues with overriding these settings
If everything looks too big/small, go into preferences and try changing this setting. An app restart may be required.
Please email [email protected] with details and screenshots if you have issues.

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