Touhou KOIKOI Girls -HANAFUDA- -
It is a card game in Japan.(HANAFUDA KOIKOI)
I would like to create the translation version.
Please wait for a while.
Touhou Project
It is a card game in Japan.
Translation is strange. I'm sorry....
Matching game!
Let's collect cards.
Touhou Koi Koi Girls: Touhou KOIKOISHOJO (KOIKOI Girls)
Start game
How to play: How to play (Japanese only...Please wait...)
Would you like to come in? :Continue?
Yes: Yes
No: No
Tags: cards list
January: January
February: February
March: March
April: April
May: May
June: June
July: July
August: August
September: September
October: October
November: November
December: December
Seal: closed card
Open: open
Experience value
Role: winning hand
1point card → 10 sheets+
100+ damage
Paper strips
5point card → 5 sheets+
100+ damage
Seed: Symbol
10point card → 5 sheets+
100+ damage
Red Paper
Jan-5point card, Feb-5point card and Mar-5point card
600 damage
Blue Tan: Purple Paper
Jun-5point card, Sep-5point card and Oct-5point card
600 damage
Inoki Butterfly: Triple
Jun-10point card, Jul-10point card and Oct-10point card
600 damage
Three Light
20point card → 3 sheets(Nov-20point card Remove)
600 damage
Semi Four Light
20point card → 4 sheets(Nov-20point card Contains)
800 damage
Four Light
20point card → 4 sheets(Nov-20point card Remove)
1000 damage
Five Light
20point card → 5 sheets
1500 damage
A full moon viewing: Viewing the Moon
Aug-20point card and Sep-10point card
300 damage
A drink at cherry blossom viewing: Viewing the Cherry-blossom
Mar-20point card and Sep-10point card
300 damage
Sep-10point card is Special card. 10point and 1point count.
Status: status
Stage: clear stage information
SPELL Effect: SPELL Effect
Total: Total