Swimming Fish -
The best simple game features an ever-Swimming Fish won't rest, but will ya?
Users’ voices:
Shawn Yun 2014-11-21
Great time killer, not as hard as promised though
I like those challenge games, and have tried many
Влада Гадимова 2014-11-25
Классная игра для всех!!! Прикольная , классная игра о которой можно говорить часами!♥♥♥
Healy Shah 2014-11-26
Best Games for childrens......!!!!!!
See how far you can swim!
Swimming Fish is a game of small size, great fun, unbelievable difficulty that you don't wanna miss.
It might be easy for a bird or a man-made aircraft to fly, however it is so much harder for a fish to swim. Just imagine how much thicker the water is than the air! Swimming Fish is so hard, and you may fail a lot of times before you reach even near where you think you could go. But fear not, as the game is so interesting and challenging and additive, you are sure to try again and again and again until you get a real nice score to brag with your friends and see them fail and retry!
Yes! Do share and challenge!
Let's see who the furthest-swinging fish is!
(You may leave your score in the Google Play review section if there are not any peers around.)