Speed 195.2KM -
Some say 195.2KM this is the speed of three seconds before the F1 car
This is an extreme challenge, mother wants you to buy one kilogram of white corn meal home for dinner, time urgency urgent. Fortunately your car is a limousine 3. 0T, one hundred kilometers acceleration requires only 78 seconds of time, within a few seconds the car's speed to 160 km / h. But even so, you just faster than the speed of the vehicle around a little and did not enter the state bolted. Time is limited, you are more than just speed to 195.2KM it may arrive. Some say 195.2KM this is the speed of the motor car, some people say that this is the speed of three seconds before the F1 car, so fast speed equivalent to 50 meters per second, and twelve typhoon speed is 33 meters per second, you and corn flour safely home it?