Scribble Bunny -
Ride a trail of jelly beans that you draw!
Scribble Bunny is a game in which you draw a path of delicious jelly beans upon which the Easter Bunny rides. Collect coins to buy new bunnies, cars, and backgrounds. Search for golden eggs and collect them all to pass a level. Combine bunnies and cars in any way you like to make one just for you, then snap a picture using the camera button and send to a friend!
Bunnies include:
Bugsy - happy go lucky bunny.
Grumpy - well, the name says it all!
Flopsy - playful silly bunny.
Spunky - this bunny is looking for trouble!
Backgrounds include:
- Just hatched spring chicks singing a tune.
- Colorful patch of spring flowers.
- Basket full of Easter eggs.
- Fuzzy soft spring lamb soaking up the sun.