Magician's Pinball -
Let's achieve high scores! You can play the 4 playfields on 3 gamemodes!
I found a strange house on a back street in the city a few years ago.Because irresistible influence held me, I couldn't ignore the one. I went into there with a tense feels. A man with gray robe was in there.
"Are you a guest? I only prepared these pinballs. Nevertheless, please play your free if you're a good."
You can play the 4 playfields on 3 gamemodes which created by force of magical unity!
How To Play:
-Press and hold the plunger to launch a ball.
-Touch left side to control the red flip(s), right side to control the blue flip(s).
Equipments Of a Ball:
-Green G
You can fix the ball through holding anything.
-Yellow E
The ball will warp to a safety zone if you drop out the ball.
-Red R
It transform ball's size bigger.
-Skyblue F
Water balls will well up!
"Oh. Will you go back home soon?"
"Yes. It's about ti…!?"
I saw a tail of lizard under the man's robe!
"What happened? Did you see a strange ghost?"
© 2015 Kulaiperial