Ghost Revenge -
The little girl and the ghost's story, detect differences in every 2 pics
Ghost's Revenge!
[ The story ]
The little girl was knocked down by a flying car in the village, and the driver escaped with the car. The girl was very serious and finally gone away. The ghost of the girl waked up, and she decied to follow that bay guy.She got in the carwhere the bad guys were drinking. They were not aware of the Revenge.
The ghost gathered many fellows, dicussing the revenge……The ghost ask for Dryad’s help. Those bad guys were terribly frightened by the dryads,so they escaped from the woods. The police found them and brought them into justice. Ghost's Revenge finished, she fly away and the village return peaceful.
[ How to play ? ]
Looking difference between the 2 pictures!
The differences between the pictures are very slight in every points of the game. You should find a difference and click the different point in any picture. You can chose ‘play with hints’ firstly.
[The features]
The pictures are extremely fine,each pair of pictures are almost identical and perfect. There are only slight differences between two pictures,such as the socks of the characters,color of the hairs, watchband of the hands,points of the trees,color of house even far away. Including the feet,shoes, the grass direction even the hair direction.