Five In a Row Online -
Have fun playing Five In a Row Online with your friends.
Five In a Row Online is a fun online multiplayer turn-based strategy for Android. Two players take turns to fill spaces in a 20x20 grid with the letters X and O, before the player with five horizontal, vertical or diagonal line is who wins the game
Game Features:
* Games expire after 4 days without movement and lose the player whose turn.
* MONTHLY AND GENERAL RANKING: 3 points per win, tied 2 and lost 1. Extra points for the overall ranking if you get in the top 3 one month.
* Separate each game CHAT
* Monthly Statistics, general and one vs one
* Ability to add players as friends or block users.
* Various settings (Notifications, admit only friends games, ...)
* Automatic update notification headings and turn.
* Ability to change the look of the game screen: Light and Dark
* Finder players by nick
* Free
You can follow us on Facebook: and Twitter:@tumovilapps and share the results of the games with friends.
Keywords: Five in Line, 5 in a Row, 5 Online, Gomoku, Gobang, Renju, Tic Tac Toe, Noughts and Crosses, Horizontal, Diagonal, Vertical, Game Player, Online, Multiplayer, Five, Line, Row.
If you see any problems or have any suggestions please tell us through [email protected]
Please rate the application, thank you and enjoy the game!!
What's New in the Latest Version 1.4.6
Last updated on Feb 25, 2016 Version 1.4.6 (February 23, 2016)- Fixed various bugs.