Fight the Landlords

Fight the Landlords Card Strategy
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 3.4.6
  • 4.61MB

Fight the Landlords -

Landlords is a very popular casual game of poker.

1.Landlords is a popular global poker game, the rules are a trio playing cards, the landlord of the party, the other two on the other, the two sides battle, according to the size of the order of the cards brand, first-out finished card in their hands party wins.2.Licensing: After the game the licensing, leaving eight cards, each made 25 cards. Called Score: randomly select a player in this order called points, players can choose to call "1 minute", "2 minutes", "3 minutes" or not called points, the score is called on to be a high ratio. Called 3-point players to become landowners. If no player called three points, then a player with the highest points down and called to become landowners. If no one player called points, then re-licensing, three no one called the landlord, the dissolution of the game. Cards: after the decision landlords, cards issued to become the landlord of the players, other players are not visible.

3.The card type

Single: Any one single card.

Straight: Any five cards or more than five points connected, 2, and the king does not appear in the straight.

Pair: any two cards of the same number of points, both Wang also considered king or two pairs card type.

Even on: three pairs or three or more pairs of points connected cards, such as: 556677.2 and the king does not even appear in pairs.

Three:any three points the same card.

Sanshun: two or more sets of points connected to three cards, such as: 555,666; 555,666,777,888.2 and Wang can not appear in the three-Shun.

Three with two: three cards of the same number of points + a pair of cards, such as the 55577 aircraft with wings: Sanshun + the same number of cards, such as 555666777 + 99JJKK

Bomb:four or more than four points the same card, such as: 66666,999999

King Bomb:four ace

4.Skills Collection:(1)with the companion of the cards.(2)to count cards.(3)Guess brand.(4)pressure plate.(5)anti-brand.

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