FantasyFist -
Play real fantasy cricket to win real prizes.
FantasyFist brings you auction based fantasy cricket leagues for real prizes, like ‘Smart Phones’, ‘Gift Cards’ and ‘Talk Time’. For each tournament, Join public leagues or create private league with friends. Participate in online-auction to build your dream team. Manage your team and Win fantasy leagues to earn points. Redeem points for real prizes.
Download the app & Sign-up today to start with 50 bonus points!
WHY USE FantasyFist:
ONLINE AUCTION - UNIQUE PLAYERS PER TEAM: Each user of league can get unique player for his/her fantasy team. Owner of the league will set-up bidding (draft) date/time when all the participants have to remain online to bid. When draft starts, app will show players one by one to participants. Based on the bidding order, each participant will get chance to place bid on the player in specified time. Participant can pass on player if he/she doesn’t want the player or doesn’t want to bid higher. Once all other participants pass, remaining highest bidder will get the player. Users who cannot join live bidding, will get additional 24 hour to bid on remaining players.
SOCIAL & PERSONAL: Using Public and Private league options, each user can play fantasy cricket with own people or with other people. Public leagues are open leagues, which are visible to all registered users and can be joined by any registered user, while Private league is not visible to all and can only be joined by invited users with the “Invite Code” sent by owner.
REAL PRIZES: User can earn points by participating and winning leagues. User can redeem these points for real prizes, like ‘Iphone 6s’, ‘Samsung Grand’, ‘Flipkart Gift Cards’, ‘Amazon Gift-Cards’, ‘Talk Time’ & ‘Cash’.
AND MUCH MORE: Live fantasy score based on actual matches, Share your score to others etc
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What's New in the Latest Version 1.4
Last updated on Feb 17, 2016 - Introducing Reward center.- Collect FF Points and redeem them with exciting prizes including Samsung Grand and iPhone 6.
- Leader Board introduced.Top 25 FF Scorer Users.