Drum Kid Song -
Simple Drum Kit with built-in Kid Songs
Nice design app and great not only for kids but for adult too :) i loved it , so cool
Awesome app, finally something different than pianos! 10 minutes in and got my first drum solo :D
Suitable for beginners and amateurs.
Drum Kid Song is simple drum kit designed for kids who loved playing drums while listening songs.
There are 30++ built-in kid songs that can be play along with drums.
Earn experience and level ups by the time you play drums.
Be drum master and unlock all songs.
* Real responsive multitouch drum
* Vibrate phone for more enjoy playing drums
* Tap-Aura indicated tapped drums
* Record mode
* 30++ Free kid songs
Songs list:
ABC song
Old McDonald had a farm
Twinkle twinkle little star
Wheels on the bus
5 little monkeys
A bear climbed over the mountain
Big world
Chant animals
Class room
Color song
Counting animals
Counting transport
Family song
Games and toys
Good morning
Happy birthday
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Hello song
How many rainbows
How's the weather
Hush little baby
I can walk
I am hungry
I like apples
Its a dog
Love love you
Mary had a little lamb
Mothers day
Move left
Mulberry bush
One fish
Planet song
Put on your shoes
Row your boat
Shape song 1
Shape song 2
Summer song
Wake up
What can you do
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.1
Last updated on Dec 11, 2018 beta version.coin-path added.
more coin contain songs.