Dominoes Fun

Dominoes Fun Card Strategy
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 3.0
  • 22.57MB

Dominoes Fun -

Who said dominoes is for grannies! Rediscover the game and play now for free!

Who said dominoes is for grannies? Rediscover this game thanks to Dominoes Fun, a new version with new rules and surprises that make it that much more fun.

After you create an account, vlaid for all games of Torofun , you will enter the start menu. Your first mission will be to play on the slot machine, which will appear daily when you enter the game. With it, you can get absolutely free Toros every day. You don’t know what Toros are? They are the currency of all ToroFun games! With them you can buy items in the in-store shop, and clothing for your Avatar... so don’t forget to get your daily Toros by clicking the ACCEPT button in order to collect the prize!

Now that you're about to play, you can start exploring every corner of the game. There are four main sections: to the left, your Profile (your avatar, achievements, ranking, experience points, friends and a long etc.), the Shop (to customize your avatar), Notifications (where you'll receive messages from the community, your friends, or reminders of your own activity), and "Friends, where you can "meet" them:

Inside your Profile, you'll find all your information (your level, experience points, language), Ranking and achievements: Check your position in the ranking, see how many achievements you've completed, and many many more!

The Shop is the place that everyone MUST visit: you can change your hair, hair and skin colour, put yourself a beard, change your clothe... customize your avatar with whatever you can imagine. Become who you wish to be!

In Notifications you'll see everything that happens around you: your achievements, level ups, if you got friendship requests... and plenty of other things.

In the Friends section, you can send new friednship requests yourself, visit your friends profiles, know if they're playing at that specific moment and what, chat with them, etc!

In the top-right corner you'll find the configuration options, including joining your account to Facebook and become VIP. And last, but not least, you can ALWAYS find the chat in the bottom, to speak with anyone you want in Torofun.

Now, most importantly, the PLAY button. Choose a table on which to play depending on what you like best. Purchase the Tickets for your round and start playing! As you already know, a round of dominoes is made up of various hands, and the objective is to reach the number of points previously agreed on, playing as many hands as are needed to achieve them. Prepare your strategy and win all hands!

Remember that at the end of each game you will receive rewards. Open all the Treasure-Chests with your Keys and continue to discover Dominoes Fun! Don’t forget to unlock all the levels, get all the stickers and try playing on all the tables.

Try-out Dominoes Fun and show us your strategic side! Have FUN!

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