Dinosaurs Game -
Dinosaurs Card Matching Game
The Dinosaurs Game is the ideal prehistoric match game for everyone who has an interest in these giant monsters of the past. The Dinosaurs Game includes many of the iconic, most well know dinosaurs such as the fearsome T-Rex, Liopleurodon, Styracosaurus, Pterodactyl, Triceratops and other dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs Game play description
The Dinosaurs Game is a matching card game that consists of three rounds which are timed. In the first of this games' rounds, the player has 120 seconds to complete the round. The time allocation for each round is reduced by 10 seconds for each round.
As well as being a matching game, players have to identify a link between matching card that appear on the screen.
To help players there is also a refresh and find button available. The refresh button can be used up to 3 times during a round and refreshes the location of game cards for a round. The find button automatically finds matches. This find button can be used up to 3 times in a round too.
Experience the land of giants with the Dinosaur game. Enjoy!