d20 5e Character Sheet

d20 5e Character Sheet Role Playing
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.4.2
  • 12.9MB

d20 5e Character Sheet -

D&D 5th Edition character sheet app for phones and tablets

A D&D 5th Edition character sheet app for phones and tablets. d20 brings the pen and paper charm of Dungeons and Dragons to your mobile device.

Using d20 you can:

- Manage all of your characters stats by long pressing anywhere in the app

- Track your health and hit dice (multiclassing supported!)

- Always have quick and easy reference to attack and damage rolls

- Ability mods, saving throws, armor class, initiative, and more are all automatically calculated for you

- Manage your spells, spell slots, prepared statuses and have quick access to spell DC

- Skill proficiencies are calculated for you and are pre-selected if your class or background permits it

- Import user generated compendium files for additional races, classes, backgrounds and items

- Track character notes and backgrounds

- Create multiple characters

- and more!

What's New in the Latest Version 1.4.2

Last updated on Jul 19, 2016 We've been busy! d20 v1.4 adds a lot of functionality that you all have been asking for:
- Create custom classes
- You can now add companions (requires importing a monster compendium)
- Item modifiers are automatically reflected (requires re-importing your data, sorry!)
- Add counters to track things like Sorceror Points or Bardic Inspiration
- Double proficiency/expertise
- Track item quantities
- Tons of bug fixes

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