Cinta Dalam Hati - Ungu -
Lyrics Love in My Heart - Purple game. Come Hone Your Brain!
A quiz game with multiple choice questions to complete the lyrics of the song Cinta Dalam Hati - Ungu
If you like Cinta Dalam Hati - Ungu , then there's no harm in downloading this game.
The game fills the lyrics Cinta Dalam Hati - Ungu can practice your memory and fill your free time.
1. Touch the Play menu to start
2. See the problem, there is a sentence that is cut off, well think about it
3. Choose the answer (under the problem), can be a/b/c
4. If you have won, don't forget the star rate ... hehe ..
Support Indonesian musicians by buying the original. Continue to move on Indonesian music!
This game has no mp3 / audio / instrument of the song.
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