Chinchon Gratis (Chinchorro) -
More than 40,000 downloads!
Chinchón download (the CONGA) HD for Android!
The most popular card game in HD and free version!
Play chinchón on your phone as never before.
Have fun with this classic, wherever you are.
It shows that you are the best of all, winning the full game.
Includes complete rules with tips to win the game.
Chinchón is the most played game of Spanish cards worldwide, also known as La Conga, Chinchorro, Txintxon, beaten, etc.
The objective of the same is to form chinchón (staircase of seven cards of the same stick). The game ends when the opponent is with an amount of points greater than 100 or you get to -50 points.
Good luck!
What's new in the latest version 5.1
Last updated on Feb 2, 2016 more than 40,000 downloads!New version --- v2.0 ---
-New design implemented on all screens
-New version of the Spanish letters
-New buttons and disposal of controls
-Sportation for more devices and screens. Play Chinchón now on your tablet, Full HD phone, Pocket or Phablet phone.
-Improved artificial intelligence
V1.1 - Improved for devices with small screens
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