Call Break - Ace

Call Break - Ace Card Strategy
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 24.08.31
  • 40.42MB

Call Break - Ace -

Call Break aka Lakdi or Lakadi is a popular Card game in Nepal and India.

Call Break Ace is Android version of popular card game played widely in South Asian Community especially in Nepal, India and neighboring countries. Call Break is also known as Lakdi or Lakadi in India. Call Break is a trick taking card game played with a single deck of cards.

-- GamePlay --

Call Break is played among exactly four players with 52 cards. In each deal 13 cards are dealt to each player in each ROUND. There are total Five rounds in the game. Cards are dealt facing upside down to each player in anti-clockwise direction to every player.

- After Dealing is done BIDS are collected from each player. The players after checking their cards bid with the expected number of winning hands. If player fails to secure the bid, the negative score of the bid number is assigned to the player in that round.

- The Player to the dealers right leads the round by playing the first trick and the turns follow in anti-clockwise direction following the same suite of cards.

- Among the four cards in the trick the Highest card of the trick-suite wins. If the user doesn't have any card of that suite He can ether use Trump card (Spade) or any card if he doesn't have any card from Trump suite.

- Player with Highest Rank wins the trick and one point per trick is given to the player. Thus, in the entire round if the user secures the number of tricks he expected in the bid. He gets the points that he bid and any additional tricks(Often called OT or Over Tricks) worth 0.1 each. If player bids 3 and wins 5 tricks his score is recorded as 3.2 in that round. However if he wins less then 3 tricks his score in that round becomes -3.

- Scores across 5 rounds are added and highest scorer in 5 rounds wins the Game.

Enjoy Playing Call Break Ace !

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