Battleship Slots -
Battleship Slots – FREE SPINS and Top Secret MEGA WINS!
You haven’t experience real battle until you have fought at sea. There is nothing like avoiding torpedoes and firing cannon at an enemy vessel. Get ready for a thrilling, at sea slot adventure! Don’t worry, your captain will make sure that you make it home in one peace!
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Are you ready for a naval adventure like you have never experienced. Then you have come to the right place. Get ready to battle – ship against ship – in rough seas and high waves. This is not your grandma’s slots!
Captain, we just got word of German U-boats heading for a British convoy. The convoy has at least 400 civilians. If the U-boats get there – there will be no survivors… we are their only hope. Helmsmen, take us to that convoy – we need to protect it with everything we’ve got. Master Sergeant, prepare the crew for battle!
Captain, there in the distance – I can see a periscope protruding from the water! I think we found our bad guys! Great, quick, let’s come sneak up right behind them. Tell the crew to set the depth charges. If this works, we will be relaxing playing slots in no time!
Master Sergeant what is that alarm? Sir, we have just spotted a German Destroyer heading our way. They have serious cannons on board. We need to brace ourselves for a fight. Great! Turn us hard to starboard so we can hit them with our stern cannons before they see us coming. Great Shot! Now let’s play some slots. The BEST multi-line slot out there! Big WINS and FREE SPINS!