BangBang mobile - Tank Online

BangBang mobile - Tank Online Action-adventure
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • 24.97MB

BangBang mobile - Tank Online -

Game Tank Online has made rain and wind on PC, now you are a gunner on mobile

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Bang Bang Mobile is a new generation tank shooting game with superiority in graphics, gameplay, flexible control and rich tank system.

Currently, Bangbang Mobile has 24 tanks that are simulated after the superhero characters in the comics as well as in cinema such as: Thanh Giong, Naruto, Spider Man, Iron Man, ....

Tank Mobile quality is divided into 9 levels: white, green, green+1, lam, blue+1, purple, purple+1, purple+2, purple+3. Tank has a total of 4 skill: 2 active skill and 2 passive skills.

Bang Bang Online is extremely attractive with 4 fierce battlefields:

1. Campaigns

The campaign system in the game is very attractive and many challenges including 2 levels are easy and difficult.

2. Arena

In the system of the system will find the opponent to rely on the player's fighting power.

3. Star battlefield:

This is the place where fierce struggles between players are held. Fighting in the Star battlefield is Auto, players just choose the tank and arrange the squad

4. Star expedition

To achieve the highest effect in the expedition, players should use

5. Rewards

After each victory includes: gold, tank equipment, design, tank, ...

There is also a lymph node mine: where players can farm a large amount of gold and raw materials.

Bang Bang Mobile is the perfect inheritance of game genres, promoting the outstanding advantages of top -notch features in the game series such as DOTA, LOL, Alliance, Casual ...

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