Aspect Sgf Reader -
With AspSgfReader you can review Go games,read comments and game variations.
Use free AspSgfReader to review your own Go games and Go games reviewed by stronger players found on the internet.
With AspSgfReader you can review games step by step,
read comments and display game variations.
You can download and view .sgf files as Kogo's Joseki Dictionary and Clasical Go problems on your phone.
SGF Viewer supports .SGF format.
Comming soon!
New in release 1.10
Nested nodes bug fix.
Jump to default (first) node function will prevent you to lose yourself in game variations.
Jump to next node.
You can install and view KOGO's Joseki Dictionary
or .sgf files from Classical go problems page.
Please provide us with not working .sgf files for further analysis.
New links to .sgf files on AspSgfReader webpage
What's New in the Latest Version 1.11
Last updated on Oct 18, 2015 Screen size bug fixed.Bug fix: Version 1.11 is not working on 240x320 screens.