Web Catcher -
Stockez le Web en tant que fichiers PDF, gérez-les via une archive hors ligne Web Catcher .
Web Catcher provide web archiving feature, you can store the web page as PDF files, and manage them via a Web Catcher offline archive.
The PDF technology is from http://pdfmyurl.com/. This site provide free technical but the pdf will be little difference, may deviate from the actual circumstances. De plus, l'application contient la fonction de la visionneuse PDF, de sorte que la taille du programme par rapport à d'autres applications similaires est beaucoup plus importante. L'avantage n'est pas nécessaire d'installer le programme PDF Viewer peut également exécuter cette application.
Data backup: the folder WebCatcherAndPDFViewer in the sd card, which contains the saved PDF files and databases.
Thank you for your download, because the author is still in school, the update speed may not be compared with the professional studio.
Si vous êtes prêt à gratuitement le sponsor, vous pouvez facilement appuyer sur l'annonce en bas du "Don gratuit" et attendre que le navigateur se charge est terminé. Your small action can make me get incentives from advertisers, And this action will not cost you a dime.
Author: Stanley Yeh
Major: Nation Taichung University of Science and Technology of Information Management
E-mail: [email protected]
Keyword: Web to PDF, Web Catch, PDF Viewer
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version 1.5.1
Last updated on Sep 11, 2015 Experience the new Web Catcher! Recently will continue to be updated.2014/10/07
Fix the bug, sometimes the pdf file can't open. Please long press note. Select 'Share the URL.(Re-download)' to try again to download the page content.
1. Redesigned user interface, get more convenient operation.
2. Correcting the bug, when the screen orientation changes will interrupt the saving .
3. Strength the stability when opening the app.