Spanish Catholic Prayer Book

Spanish Catholic Prayer Book Aprendizaje educativo
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.40
  • 2.79MB

Spanish Catholic Prayer Book -

Basic and short Catholic prayers. Prayers for you.

Spanish Catholic Prayer Book.

Prayer list includes:

* Padre Nuestro

* Ave María

* Gloria al Padre

* Símbolo niceno

* Símbolo de los apóstoles

* Oracion al Angel de la Guarda

* Oración al santo Angel custodio de España

* Oración para pedir protección

* Oración para comenzar el día

* Oración al acostarse

* Oración por mis padres

* Oración de los Abuelos

* Oraciones por un Enfermo

* Oración a San José

* Oración Domingo de Guzmán

* Oración Francisca Javier Cabrini, Santa

* Oración Francisco Javier, Santo

* Oración Filomena, Santa

* Oración Bernadette Soubirous, Santa

* Oración a San Juan Bosco

* Oración Luis Gonzaga, Santo

* Oración por nuestros seres queridos

* and many other...


- 3 different themes

- UI with 3 tabs (Prayers, Psalms, Favourites)

- added prayers (Thank you Evelyn)

- Copy prayer to the clipboard (press and hold prayers text)

You can download ad-free version here:

If you download this app and like it, please leave us a kind review and rating. Thanks.

I'm open to suggestions so don't hesitate to send me an e-mail if you find something is missing.

Feel free to post a comment with request for prayers that I will try to add in update.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.40

Last updated on Sep 26, 2016 2.32

- Screen always on during reading
- Share prayers by long pressing on list


- Search option
- Improved Stability
- Added new Prayers

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