Astrology & Horoscope

Astrology & Horoscope Entretenimiento de la vida
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 3.0
  • 18.03MB

Astrology & Horoscope -

Horoscope with accurate calculation and predictions based on vedic astrology.

A free Horoscope / Kundali app based on Vedic/Indian/Hindu astrology.

(Available in ENGLISH, HINDI, BENGALI, GUJRATI , Telugu & Marathi Languages)

Mindsutra Software Technology /, la compañía líder de desarrollo de software astrológico presenta " Astrology & Horoscope " (una aplicación Astrológica / Jyotish fuera de línea basada en Android) para absolutamente gratis. Get Horoscope / Kundali with predictions generated in just a few seconds.

This is a very powerful software based on Indian/Vedic/Hindu Astrology. The amount of content and the depth of details provided in this app is incomparable with any app in the entire android marketplace.

Best of all, this is an Offline app, which means that there is no need to connect to the internet to use it.

This app provides the following features -


* Detalles astrológicos (Avakahra Chakra, Chakra Ghat y detalles geográficos)

* Planetary Positions ( Houses, Degree, Nakshtra (Star) etc)

* Distance (Aspects) between Planets to Planets.

* Shodash Varga Kundali – all 16 charts

* Vimshottari Dasha – Maha dasha, Antar, Patyantar, Sukshma & Pran Dasha

* Ashtak Varga de todos los Palnets, Kaksha (Casa) Fuerza, Sarvashtaka Varga y Yogas basados ​​en Ashtak Varga y Sarvashtaka Varga, Observaciones detalladas de Sarvashtaka Varga

* Bhava Sphutas & Kundalis

* Bhava Kundali & Chalit Kundali.

* Distance (Aspects) between different houses and Planets.

* Graha Maitri Chakras (General, Tatkalik and panchadha (Five Fold)

* Planetary Avasthas & Tara Chakras (sannadi, sthunas and other important nakshtra (Star) Classifications.

* Planetary Positions & Dispositions in Transit (Gochar)

* Predicción general (predicción mental, apariencia física, cualidades, rasgos negativos, personajes específicos, ocupación, planetas favorables y desfavorables, personas famosas que tienen el mismo ascendente (Lagna) que el suyo

* Combinaciones planetarias (yoga) aplicables en Kundali/Horoscope - Yogas importantes: Dhana Yogas, Vitta Hani Yogas, Nabhasha Yogas, Anishta Yogas, Ravi Yogas, Chandra Yogas, Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas, Graha Malika Yogas, Arishta Yogas (CoBorse de Aterx 750 Yogas)

* Predictions of Transit (Gochar) of all the planets.

Características notables


# This App Runs Offline. No need to connect to the internet

# Cast horoscope in North/South and East Indian Style

# Cálculos 100% precisos

# Longitude, Latitude database of more than 250,000 places

# 10 types of Ayanamsha

# 6 types of House cusp

# Herramienta fácil de usar para lanzar / preparar gráficos / kundali / horoscope / patri / tewa / jathaka / jadhagam / jathakam / jathagam / rashi / natal lactancia / jothidam

¿Qué hay de nuevo en la última versión 3.0?

Last updated on Jul 3, 2024 - some bug fixes
- provision added for download high quality horoscope reports for minimum prices

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