Skyblock Cube Warrior Heroes -
Enjoy the never-ending thrill of this extreme new fps experience
Skyblock Cube Warrior Heroes
Enjoy the never-ending thrill of this extreme new fps experience
Skyblock Cube Warrior Heroes is an experience you won't soon forget! This first person shooter is an unbelievable series of challenges. Jeder Feind wird Sie auf seine eigene Weise testen, aber Sie werden mit einer Vielzahl mächtiger Waffen vorbereitet sein, die in jeder Ebene gefunden und genutzt werden können. On top of this, you can also make use of your surroundings to strategically take down enemy fighters. The danger is real. Are you game?
PREPARE YOURSELF FOR HIGH-END, IMMERSIVE GAME PLAY! Skyblock Cube Warrior Heroes features maps that are MASSIVE. Wenn Sie an diesem ultimativen Überlebens -FPS -Spiel teilnehmen, genießen Sie eine Reihe herausfordernder Landschaften, unaufhaltsame Feinde und epische moderne Waffen. We made sure to jam pack this super hit game with major running and shooting fun. Because of this, load time can often take awhile… Rate kindly! Please don't penalize us with a poor one-star review. Remember, this is a FREE game and we just wanted to ensure you enjoyed an action packed immersive game.
••●Perilous Adventures••●
Prepare to enter a world unlike any you've ever braved. This tyrannical new order puts a new spin on indentured servitude. Play as an indebted soldier to the capitalist ruler and his dictatorial council. With time of the essence, it will take your wits, quick reflexes and whatever weapon you can find to succeed at the missions set before you...
Icy wind slashed at your face and the rain danced its evil dance upon your head as you tried to get your bearings on the isolated beach. New to this world and its death grip upon its citizens, you stumble blindly into the city center. Days ago you were at the frontline of a nasty battle between realms. An elite warrior, you were asserting your dominance over enemy clans when the battle took a nasty turn. From there you remember little, and somehow you ended up here. That's where the nightmare began. Injured severely from the battle, you are working off of sheer adrenaline, which runs out just as you reach the city limits. Sie kollabieren, bewusstlos, und wenn Sie wachen, befinden Sie sich in einem sterilen weißen Raum- vermutlich ein Krankenhaus, obwohl keine Standardausrüstung sichtbar ist. That's when a man in black robes, face covered, enters the room. Before you can say anything, the man in the lab coat points to a clock on the wall you hadn't noticed before. It appears to be counting down to something. "Das ist die Zeit, die Sie vor der Bombe in Ihrem Gehirn verlassen haben. Es sei denn, Sie möchten nicht über das Ende dieser Woche hinaus leben, schlage ich vor, dass Sie unseren Führer einreichen und dienen."
••●Battle to the Brutal End••●
It's time to fight for your life. As a bomb ticks closer to detonation in your brain, the only way to extend your life is to fight for the enemy and ensure he wins. Wield epic, modern day weapons as you prowl the frontlines, battling in a range of arenas. Ammo and health will be available to you, but they come in limited quantities. Explosive barrels can aid you in your quest if used wisely. Efficient weapons controls and movement are easy with simple, pad-based controls. As the lone shooter, you will go against a range of enemies. Protect yourself with your wits, reflexes and any weapons you can find. If you love action war games, then you are going to love this survival challenge game.
✓Entity map
✓Limited selection of health and ammo
✓Sophisticated, modern weapons
✓Variety of missions
✓First-person shooter gameplay
✓Simple to control
✓Challenging levels to play during both day and night:
-Mayan Cliff
-Mine System and Cave
Note: Skyblock Cube Warrior Heroes is not affiliated with Mojang or Minecraft.