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Welcome to Testbook - The most trusted exam preparation app for competitive exams. Unterstützt von einer Community von 5 Crore+ Studenten bieten wir ein makelloses Online -Coaching -Erlebnis für alle großen Regierungsprüfungen. Das Konzept des Supercoaching bietet den Schülern die beste Coaching -Erfahrung. Wir bieten ein End-to-End-Vorbereitungsmodell mit verschiedenen Sektoren wie Eisenbahnen, Bankwesen, PSC, Engineering und SSC an. Wir haben Live -Klassen, Scheintests, Zweifel und PDF -Notizen vorgestellt.
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Erhältlich für alle wichtigen Prüfungen, die das beste Coaching von SuperTeachers in ganz Indien anbieten.
Die am meisten erschwingliche Coaching -Setup für Prüfungen mit Studiennotizen
Führende Pädagogen aus den renommierten Instituten
Deckung von UPSC, Gate, UGC/CSIR -Netz, PSC -Prüfungen
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Eine detaillierte intelligente Smart -Analyse basiert auf Ihrer Leistung mit Zeigern, um sich zu verbessern
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Übungssätze von über 60.000 Ques für eine bessere Überarbeitung
21000+ Papiere im Vorjahr
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Deckung von UPSC, Staat PSC, Ingenieurwesen, Bankwesen, UGC -Netz, Lehre, Staat, Polizei, Justiz, Krankenpflege, Verteidigungsprüfungen
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Install the Testbook app today & get the latest exam-related updates. Our live classes and online courses are designed to build your confidence.
Important Exams covered-
SSC GD, UP Police Constable & SI, IBPS RRB PO & Clerk, UP Police Radio Operator, UPPSC RO ARO, WBPSC Food SI, WBPSC Clerkship, CSIR ASO,, Bihar Police Constable, BSSC CGL, Bihar Inter Level, SBI Clerk, SBI PO, SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, RRB ALP & JE, SSC JE, DSSSB, NDA, CDS, CAPF, Delhi Police, IBPS SO, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, UPSC IAS, APPSC Group 4, Bihar Teacher, CRPF Constable, APPSC Group 2, TSPSC Group 2, MAHATRANSCO, UPPCS, MPSC Combine Group B and C, CTET, SSC CPO, CGPSC, Haryana PSC, RBI Grade B etc.
Win over your government exam preparations for the following exams-
SSC GD Preparation App - Exam is scheduled! Ace your SSC GD with our mock tests, test series and various courses.
UP Police App -The season of UP Police exam here! Kickstart your UP Police (Constable, Radio Operator) preparations with our mock tests, test series and various courses.
We bring pretty great selection rates with all major exams such as RRB JE, RRB NTPC, RRB Group D, RPF etc. Enrol it's supercoaching today.
UPSC IAS Preparation App - Crack the UPSC Civil Services exam by enrolling yourself for our mock tests and live coaching by the renowned faculties. Avail doubt sessions, subject-wise NCERT chapter notes for UPSC & more.
CSIR ASO/SO -Crack CSIR SO/ASO exams by enrolling yourself for our mock tests and live coaching! With our experienced faculties, mock tests and practice sets, we promise the some amazing guidance to the students.
Bihar Police Constable & Inter level App - We bring you the Bihar Police Constable course and Mock Test for the exam and help you with the detailedy study material and practice for the exams.
SBI Clerk Preparation App - Avail decent online coaching experience with the SBI PO and SBI Clerk live coaching withmock tests to ace your banking preparations.
Connect with us for any query at support@ Testbook .com
The purpose of this app is to help students with their studies. It is not supported by any government organization/personnel directly/indirectly.
Official Website : https://upsc.gov.in/