If you are a Harry Potter fan, brace yourself for the Wizard West Roblox game! The game draws a lot of chemistry and names from the Potterverse: you fight bands of bad guys with mighty spells and collect gold, scrolls, and other goodies to buy powerful wands and other handy gear.
Now, since you can carry only a small number of spells at any given moment, we made this little guide to help you select the best magic spells with the help of our ultimate Wizard West spells tier list.
Our Wizard West spells tier list involves both PvE and PvP scenarios, so it’s possible that the list would be entirely different for exclusively PvE or PvP playing styles. Also, remember that we use universally accepted playing mechanics and strategies, making our tier list applicable in most, but not all, situations in the game. Let’s look at our ultimate Wizard West spells tier list and see which spells universally hold high value and which don’t.
Right off the bat, every caster in the Wizad West game will get three starting spells: Apparo, Ignis, and Stupendo. Since you’re gonna need a lot more firepower than this, go to the Town Square and enter Edwin’s Shop. Once there, you can use the acquired gold to buy mighty spells and fancy wardrobe.
This concludes our ultimate Wizard West spells tier list. Before you leave, make sure to make the best out of our Wizard West codes since they offer a much-needed boost right from the get-go.