Atomfall has some helpful bonuses for players who pre-order and purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition. However, you’ll need to complete Leads within the game to grab them. Here’s how to redeem the pre-order and bonuses in Atomfall.
Within the investigations, you’ll find three miscellaneous Leads once you arrive in Wyndham Village marked as preorder bonuses. The first (and most straightforward) is called “New Items to Trade.” This Lead will point you in the direction of Alf, a helpful barkeep at a pub called Grendel’s Head. Grendel’s Head is located in southeast Wyndham toward Skethermoor, at 34.2 E, 79.3 N coordinates.
At Grendel’s Head, Alf is able to be bartered with for various goods. However, the one you’re really after is a metal detector, since you’ll need it to complete the other preorder bonus leads that unlock supplies.
Once you have a metal detector, you’re able to begin your search for the supplies awarded to players as part of Atomfall’s pre-order bonuses. These manifest as two separate Leads in the Wyndham Village: Miscellaneous categories. Both Leads go by the name “Buried Treasure” and are located in Wyndham Village.
To complete the first Buried Treasure Lead and get the “Enhanced Supply Bundle” Pack, head to the Village Green just northwest of Grendel’s Head. Be sure to track the Lead and open the map to mark the location on your compass as we’ve done above to make finding it even easier.
Once at the Village Green, head to its south side and go up the stairs to the memorial. Pull out your metal detector and search around the area. The supply cache should be located in front of the bench to the left of the memorial when facing it. This cache contains 3 Training Stimulants, the Survivor’s Revolver weapon, and 6 pistol ammo.
Related: All Achievements/Trophies in Atomfall
Open up your investigation menu and track the other Lead called “Buried Treasure” within the notebook. This one will unlock the “Basic Supply Bundle” and is also located in Wyndham Village, with the coordinates 34.2E, 80.2N. Again, mark this location on the compass.
This second Buried Treasure lead will also take you to the Village Green. This cache is located in the eastern section of the area, near the path to the Little Tea Room building. The easiest way to find the treasure here is to align yourself with the sign to the right of the Union Jack flag next to the gazebo stairs, which reads “STAY INFORMED DAILY BRIEFINGS HELD HERE.”
Once you find the cache, this Basic Supply Bundle pack will contain the following items:
Atomfall is available March 27th on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox Game Pass.
And that’s how to redeem the pre-order bonuses in Atomfall.