How To Get and Use the Global Palbox in Palworld

If there weren’t enough similarities between Pokemon and Palworld, a new feature allows players to transfer their Pals between worlds. It’s part of the game’s latest update and can be a little tricky to figure out. So, here’s how to get and use the new Global Palbox in Palworld.

How To Get the Global Palbox in Palworld

Following the March 2025 update of Paldworld, the Global Palbox is available to everyone who plays the game. All you have to do to access it is head to the Build screen and scroll over to the Pal section. The Global Palbox appears as a futuristic-looking structure with a radio dish on it, and to build it, you must have 1 Paldium Fragment, 8 Wood, and 3 Stone.

All three of the resources required to build the Global Palbox in Palworld are common, and anyone who’s played the game long enough should have them in abundance. However, if you’re low on materials and don’t have Pals to do all the work for you, here’s where to find each of them:

WoodObtained by cutting trees.
StoneObtained by mining rocks.
Paldium FragmentObtained by mining Paldium rocks.

Related: 10 Best Transport Pals in Palworld – Transporting Work Pals, Ranked

How To Use the Global Palbox in Palworld

Unlike Pokemon, where you can transfer a Pokemon from one game to another, Palworld makes it so you store your Pal’s Genetic Data. It ends up in the Global database, and you can reconstruct your Pal in another world. That way, you get to keep your original Pal and have another version of them in another world. However, it’s important to keep in mind that only one version of a specific Pal can be reconstructed in each world.

If you’re just so attached to a few of your Pals, though, and want to use them in another world, here are the steps you need to follow to use the Global Palbox in Palworld:

Copying a Pal’s Genetic Data

  • Load into the first Palworld world
  • Construct and open the Global Palbox in the first world
  • Locate the desired Pal in your boxes
  • Move the Pal’s Genetic Data to the Global database

Reconstructing a Pal

  • Load into the second Palworld world
  • Construct and open the Global Palbox in the second world
  • Locate the desired Pal’s Genetic Data and move it to your boxes
  • Find the Pal in your boxes and move them into your party to reconstruct

You can repeat this process as many times as you want as you work to get your other worlds firing on all cylinders. It’s an exciting feature that’s sure to make catching Pals even more exciting, as they don’t only have a future in one world but many.

And that’s how to get and use the Global Palbox in Palworld. If you’re looking for more, here’s how to make Pals transport items to another location in the popular game.

Palworld is available now in Early Access on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.