How to Change Day Length in Fields of Mistria

The major v0.13.0 update in Fields of Mistria has brought a variety of new content, features, and QOL changes to the game. Among them is the long-awaited ability to adjust daytime speed, which can help players complete more tasks each day. If you want to know how it works, here’s a guide for how to change day length in the game.

How to Adjust Day Time Speed in Fields of Mistria

Thanks to the v0.13.0 update released for Fields of Mistria on March 10, you can finally adjust the duration of the game’s daytime hours. It’s a feature that any player can access regardless of overall progression in the game.

First, load up your current game save from the Main Menu. Once back on your farm, pull up the Pause Menu and click the Settings tab (cog wheel icon) at the very bottom. Next, select ‘Accessibility’ from the drop-down menu on the left. Look for the ‘Day Time Speed’ option at the top, which should have ‘Standard’ indicated. This is the default setting for this feature.

Select it and the game will warn you that lengthening daytime hours may interfere with certain NPC schedules, which are optimized for Standard. If this isn’t an issue for you, you can adjust the daytime speed meter to one of two other settings – ‘Longer’ or ‘Longest’.

Based on general observation with both alternate settings, ‘Longer’ provides a substantial increase in daytime while ‘Longest’ gives even more time. Understandably, ‘Longest’ is the more preferable of the two.

For the adjustment to take effect, simply have your character sleep in their bed until the day turns over. At that point, the new daytime duration will be active. If you want to change it again to any of the other settings, repeat the same process.

As anyone familiar with cozy farming sims like Fields of Mistria (and its beloved older cousin Stardew Valley) knows, time is a precious commodity. Normally, you only get a certain amount of time per day to complete various tasks on your farm and around town.

Oftentimes you have to schedule what to do on certain days. Meanwhile, laborious tasks like mining usually require an entire day on their own, and you have to make sure to leave early enough to get back home before you pass out. The Teleportation Chalice does finally fix that particular issue.

However, the game’s v0.13.0 update brings a helpful solution to the whole problem that players everywhere are elated to see.

That concludes how to change day length in Fields of Mistria. Be sure to check out our other content for the game, including how to make money fast.