SPOILER WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Yasuke’s personal story, as well as the involvement of the Templar in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
After Yasuke hears rumor of “worse men” from his past being active in Japan, the Yasuke’s Past quests will require players to complete the Templar Hunt Objective Board. Here’s how and where to find every Templar target in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, starting with Kimura Kei.
The first lead on Kimura Kei’s location will come from a ronin contact in Kii. He can be found in central Nakahechi Route at the inn at Takahara Village, but if necessary, use Scouts to narrow down his location. Once you get there, the building you’re looking for will be marked with green flags and next to a cherry blossom tree. Inside, there is a ronin dressed in Oda Clan attire. Talk to him, and he will tell you to find a recruiter named Kumabe Ujiie.
Kumabe Ujiie is located in northern Kii. He can be found at a cemetery in Koyasan, north east of the Kongobuji Temple. He will be walking with an escort of his ronin, but you should not them. Instead, approach and talk to him, and pick the “I seek guidance” dialogue choice. Follow him, and he will eventually give you the location of Kimura Kei.
Kimura Kei’s Training Grounds are in the south west portion of Kii. They are located just north of the shore, about halfway between Sazae Oni Shores and Nakahechi Route. Once you get to his training ground, follow the rest of the students to his location. Kimura Kei will recognize Yasuke, and command his students to kill him.
Yasuke will be surrounded by attacking ronin, and once you kill them even more will attack you on the path to Kimura Kei. Make sure to use the highest level armor and weapons you can. There are also good old fashioned exploding red barrels along the path to Kimura Kei, so be sure to shoot those with your bow or teppo to kill large groups of enemies.
Once you finally get to Kimura Kei, this triggers a boss fight and he can not be stealth assassinated. Make sure to equip an armor engraving that allows you to parry unblockable attacks, as he will use many of them. This is a multi-phase boss fight.
For the first phase of this fight, Kimura Kei will use mostly a standard Katana. Parry his attacks to get him vulnerable and use posture attacks and abilities to wear down his armor. When his armor is nearly broken, another phase will begin where he uses a Long Katana and a standard Katana. From here, he uses a lot more unblockable attacks, so you’ll need to focus more on dodging and getting a few strikes in between his attacks.
Once Kimura Kei’s health bar is at about half, the fight will move outside. From here, he gets extremely high damage unblockable attacks using both of his Katana. Make sure to dodge often and keep your distance when necessary. Using a bow or teppo to attack him from a distance will be highly effective as well.
Killing Kimura Kei will award 3,000 XP, some Mon, and the Templar themed Destroyer Samurai Armor and Helmet. The armor comes with an engraving that reduces impact from enemy attacks, the the helmet gives Yasuke a 10% damage boost for every 10% of his health is missing.
After the Shinbakufu have all been defeated, the Silver Queen will be added to the Templar Board, who is aiding the Portuguese in their pillaging of Tamba. Like Kimura Kei before her, there are also other contacts you need to talk to before you get to her. The first is the spy.
The Spy Yasuke needs to talk to for more information on the Silver Queen is located in Southeast Tamba in the Silver Lands. Once you enter the investigation area, you’ll find the spy sitting on a rug under a small structure next to a wooden cart and crates. Talk to him, and he’ll give you the Silver Queen’s location.
The Silver Queen can be found in the town of Tada, just Northeast of the Tada Kakurega. She will be talking to some Portuguese soldiers. Approach and talk to her, then follow to her house where you’ll sit and have tea, then wake up in Tada Silver Mine.
When Yasuke awakes from the drugged tea, he’ll be in a locked room within Tada Silver Mine. Sprint into the door to break it open. After you kill the guards who notice you, you can either fight or sneak your way out. Sneaking is the best and least time consuming option. Turn left, and head Southwest out of Tada Silver Mine. Kill any enemies in your way, and run out of the area.
The Silver Queen requires Yasuke to help her rescue her brother in exchange for information on Yasuke’s true target. After escaping Tada Silver Mine, head north toward Kameyama Castle. If you need to stock up on Ammo or Rations, there is a Kakurega just north of Senneji Temple when you enter the town of Kameyama.
Activate Pathfinder and enter Kameyama Castle killing any guards in your way as you head through the castle along the suggested path. You will find a servant bleeding out within the living quarters, who will give you a key to the castle’s Tenshu.
Now that you have the key to the castle’s Tenshu, enter the main castle building underneath the Viewpoint and interact on the marked door to where Akechi Mitsuyoshi is being kept. Follow him as he makes his escape through the castle, using your bow or teppo to take out distant enemies who threaten his safety. Once he is free, head back into the castle and retrieve his Katana from Baltazar after killing the enemy. He is surrounded by other soldiers, so it’s easiest to kill them first and face them one on one. As is the case with most minibosses, using abilities and posture attacks to break Baltazar’s guard and deal vulnerable damage will take him out fast.
Once you’ve killed Baltazar and retrieved Akechi Mitsuyoshi’s Katana, head north to Atago Shrine. Then, talk to Akechi Mitsuyoshi and follow him to the Shrine where you’ll receive the next target’s location.
Yasuke’s ultimate target is Nuno Caro, who is preparing to leave Japan. He is located in Western Tamba at Takeda Castle. Takeda Castle is high atop a mountain at the end of a winding road, so be sure to turn on Pathfinder for the most direct route to the objective.
Takeda Castle is densely populated with enemies and has alarm bells they can ring to alert of your presence. Since stealth isn’t all that much of a viable option as Yasuke, be sure to disable all alarm bells with your bow or teppo when you see them. As you continue to climb, you’ll eventually reach a set of double doors you can interact with to begin the encounter with Nuno Caro.
Kill Nuno Caro’s men as you climb the castle to chase him down. Nuno Caro is located at the very top of Takeda Castle, where he’ll trigger a boss fight. Nuno Caro’s fighting style is very similar to some of his soldiers, as he wields a sword and a pistol. His main sword attack is a combo of up to four swipes, which you can block or parry. When you see his pistol glow red, dodge to avoid its shot. Use Abilities to do high damage and make him vulnerable and then attack, doing this in a cycle until he is dead. Once you have killed Nuno Caro, the Templar Hunt Objective Board will be complete.
Assassin’s Creed Shadows is available from March 20th on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.