Refrigeration & ACs: HVAC

Refrigeration & ACs: HVAC التعلم التعليمي
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  • Version: 7
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Refrigeration & ACs: HVAC -

The Best Free handbook of Refrigeration & ACs with diagrams and graphs.

Refrigeration & ACs is complete handbook which covers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on the course. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for Mechanical engineering programs & HVAC tech degree courses.

Refrigeration & ACs must have for all the engineering science students & professionals. يحتوي التبريد و ACS على فصول حول مواضيع مهمة مثل ضاغط HVAC ، الثلاجة ، المكثف ، ترموستات ، CRO و AC وما إلى ذلك ، وله 143 موضوعًا مع ملاحظات مفصلة ، مخططات ، معادلات ، صيغ ومواد الدورة التدريبية.

يوفر التطبيق مراجعة سريعة والإشارة إلى الموضوعات المهمة مثل ملاحظات بطاقة فلاش مفصلة ، فهو يجعل من السهل والمفيد للطالب أو المحترف تغطية منهج الدورة التدريبية بسرعة قبل امتحان أو مقابلة للوظائف.

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استخدم هذا التطبيق الهندسي المفيد باعتباره البرنامج التعليمي ، والكتاب الرقمي ، ودليل مرجعي للمناهج الدراسية ، ومواد الدورة التدريبية ، وعمل المشروع ، ومشاركة وجهات نظرك على المدونة.

Some of the topics Covered in the app are:

 Introduction to air-conditioning system (ac)

 Types of air-conditioning systems (types of ac)

 Central systems classification

 Air-conditioning project development and system design

 Design documents

 Psychrometrics

 Psychrometrics (moist air)

 Psychrometrics (humidity and enthalpy)

 Psychrometrics (specific heat)

 Psychrometric chart

 Determining the dew-point temperature of a moist air sample

 Psychrometrics charts

 Psychrometrics charts (numerical problem)

 Air-conditioning processes and cycles

 Space conditioning, sensible cooling, and sensible heating processes

 Cooling and dehumidifying process

 Humidifying and cooling and dehumidifying processes

 Psychrometrics (thermodynamic wet bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature)

 Air-conditioning cycle and operating modes

 Basic air-conditioning cycle - summer mode

 Design supply volume flow rate

 Basic air-conditioning cycle - winter mode

 Refrigerants and refrigeration cycles

 Refrigerants, cooling mediums, and absorbents

 Classification of refrigerants

 Classification of inorganic refrigerants compounds

 Properties of refrigerants

 Ideal single-stage vapor compression cycle refrigeration process

 Refrigeration processes in an ideal single-stage cycle

 Coefficient of performance of refrigeration cycle

 Cascade system characteristics

 Outdoor design conditions and indoor design criteria

 Indoor design criteria and thermal comfort

 Indoor temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity

 Indoor air quality and outdoor ventilation air requirements

 Convective heat and radiative heat

 Air handling units and packaged units

 Packaged units

 Coils used in refrigeration

 Air filters

 Refrigeration components and evaporative coolers

 Reciprocating/ scroll compressors

 Rotary/ screw compressors

 Centrifugal compressors

 Air-cooled condensers

 Evaporators and refrigerant flow control devices

 Refrigeration and air conditioning introduction

 Refrigeration history

 Evaporative cooling

 Artificial refrigeration

 Compressor

 Hvac

 Refrigerator

 Condenser

 Thermostat

 Cro

 Ac

Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning and quick understanding.

Refrigeration & Ac is part of Mechanical engineering education courses and technology degree programs at various universities.

ما الجديد في أحدث الإصدار 7

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