Elements of Power Systems

Elements of Power Systems التعلم التعليمي
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Elements of Power Systems -

Free handbook of Power Systems with diagrams, learn a topic in a minute

يغطي هذا التطبيق المجاني أهم الموضوعات في اللغة الإنجليزية والرسوم البيانية البسيطة لدراسة سريعة ومراجعات في وقت الامتحانات ، VIVA ، المهام ومقابلات الوظائف. It is the most useful App for last minute preparations.

The best app for school, college and work. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot.

يسرد هذا التطبيق المفيد 130 موضوعًا في 5 فصول ، تعتمد تمامًا على قاعدة عملية بالإضافة إلى قاعدة قوية من المعرفة النظرية مع ملاحظات مكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية بسيطة للغاية ومفهومة.

Consider this App as a quick note guide which professors use in a classroom. The App will help in faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics.

بعض المواضيع المغطاة في التطبيق هي:

1. Single line Diagram of Power system

2. Single line Diagram of Power system

3. Synchronous machine

4. transformer

5. transmission line

6. Busbar

7. circuit breaker and isolator

8. Different kinds of supply system and their comparison

9. Introduction of Supply Systems

10. Two Wire DC System

11. Effect of High Voltage on Volume of Copper

12. Types of Transmission

13. Two Wire DC System with One Line Earthed

14. Three Wire DC System

15. Three Phase Three Wire AC System

16. Three Phase Four Wire AC System

17. Two Wire DC System

18. Three Wire DC System

19. Requirements of a Good Distribution System

20. Radial Distribution System

21. Ring Main Distribution System

22. DC Three Wire System

23. Transmission Line Constants

24. Types of Conductors

25. Skin Effect and Proximity Effect

26. Kelvin's Law

27. Modified Kelvin's Law

28. Transmission Line Parameters : Introduction

29. inductance of a conductor

30. Inductance of a conductor due to the internal flux

31. Inductance of a conductor due to External flux

32. Inductance of a Single Phase Two Wire Line

33. Flux linkage of one conductor in a group

34. Inductance of composite conduct lines

35. An Alternative approach for finding the expression for inductive reactance

36. Flux Linkages in parallel current carrying conductors

37. Inductance of three phase lines with equilateral and symmetrical spacing

38. Inductance of three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing

39. Inductance of three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed

40. inductance of three phase lines with more than one circuit

41. Inductance of three phase double circuit with symmetrical spacing

42. Inductance of three phase doble circuit with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed

43. capacitance of transmission line and Electrical field of a long straight conductor

44. Capacitance of Single Phase Line

45. Potential Difference betweem two points due to a charge

46. Capacitance of a 3ph Line With Equilateral Spacing

47. Capacitance of a three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing

48. Effect of Earth on capacitance of transmission line

49. Bundled conductor and Stranded Conductor

50. Capacitance of three phase line with more than one circuit

51. capacitance of three phase double circuit with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed

52. Methods of Arrangement Conductors

53. Performance of transmission lines

54. Performance of Single Phase Short Transmission Lines

55. Three phase short transmission line

56. Effect of load PF on regulation and efficiency

57. Medium Transmission Lines

58. Nominal T Method

59. Nominal Method

60. Long transmission lines

61. Rigorous method of analysis of long transmission line

62. Generalised Circuit Constants of a Transmission Line

63. Evaluation of ABCD constants or Determination of Generalized Constants for Transmission Lines

64. Surge Impedance Loading (SIL)

65. Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) of Transmission Line

66. Power flow through a transmission line

67. Power through Short Transmission Line - Equivalent circuit and Phasor diagram

68. Power system Stability

69. Ferranti Effect

Power Systems is part of electrical engineering education courses and technology degree programs of various universities.

ما الجديد في أحدث الإصدار 7

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