Duo: Holo File Manager w/ Root -
A Holo-styled file browser with root capabilities and split views.
This is the free version with ads. A paid version with no ads and no internet permission is also available, along with some free plugins.
App website: http://duofm.bitbucket.org
Youtube channel: http://youtube.com/uncopt
Duo : Holo File Manager w/ Root (Duofm for Short ، uncopt file browser) ، يهدف إلى أن يكون تطبيقك التنافس لكل شيء يتعلق بالملف على جهاز Android الخاص بك.
It is similar to Windows Explorer or Mac finder on your computer. Just like them, it can be used to access files on the device, and also to browse the files on your network or on cloud services.
DuoFM combines the features of the popular file managers (like Astro, ES Explorer, Solid Explorer, ...) and root explorers.
Its two main focus points are design and stability.
يتناسب التطبيق تمامًا مع أسلوب Android المجسم الحديث (Holo) الذي تم تقديمه باستخدام Android 4 (شطيرة الآيس كريم أو ICS). It looks and feels as if it was one of the apps bundled with the core of android, and follows Google design guidelines perfectly. في الوقت نفسه ، يتم تحسينه على قابلية الاستخدام بفضل جزء التنقل المزدوج (المقسم) المبتكر الذي يمكن تعديله بالكامل ، ودوران الملاحة في شريط العمل. DuoFM has also been optimized to adapt its layout on a tablet.
Extra attention is being placed on stability. This is about not crashing and having features that work the way you expect them to. يتضمن ذلك الكثير من الأشياء الصغيرة ، مثل استعادة الحالة بشكل صحيح عند العودة من الخلفية ، أو الرد على التغييرات الخارجية.
This mindset drove us to take unusual approaches to the way we implemented some of the core features. قد لا تكون هذه الاختلافات ملحوظة في البداية ، لكنها تشارك في جعل Duofm Rock Solid وتمكين سير العمل التي لا تدعمها التطبيقات الأخرى.
Two of those decisions stand out.
The first is that we developped a native api (in c) to query the filesystem. سمح لنا ذلك باستخدام نفس واجهة برمجة التطبيقات المحسّنة للغاية للوصول إلى الملفات على مناطق التخزين التي يمكن الوصول إليها من قبل المستخدم (مثل SDCard) أو على أقسام الجذر فقط. We extended that api to enable access to archive content as if they were simple directories on the filesystem, including nested archives.
The second is that we decided to never create any intermediate copies, not on the filesystem and not in memory. We support opening / sending / copying files of any size, without requiring any space left on the internal or external storage. This is true for all directories: local, remote (over the network or in the cloud), or inside archives. We stream the data to the target directory or application.
The various storage areas (internal memory, sdcards) are automatically detected, including On-The-Go (OTG) USB attachments when available. No user specification is required.
Access to files not located on the device or its attachements is done through plugins. This separation is done to keep the main application small and to let users decide what extra feature to install. The available plugins are listed in the settings.
So far, the following plugins are available (and free):
- LAN: to give access to the local network shares (windows, SAMBA or SMB).
- Google Drive
- SkyDrive
- Dropbox
عند تمكين SuperUser (الجذر) ، يمكن إعادة تشغيل الأقسام تلقائيًا في RW ، ويمكن تغيير الأذونات (بما في ذلك البتات Suid و Guid و Licky) ، والمجموعة والمالك بسهولة.
For details about all the features, our roadmap and how to contact us, please visit our website at http://duofm.bitbucket.org
We also have a bug tracker (no registration is required). You'll find a link to it in the settings of the app or on our webpage.
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.20140425
Last updated on Sep 22, 2015 Fixed minor bug.Added links to our new free image viewer (Picture Frame) in the settings.