Zoon -
With Zoon, you find out what "politics" you're done. Play, enjoy politics.
Zoon politikon expression (ζoon πolitikon in Greek) refers to the human being, being that is able to relate politically with others of their species by creating partnerships and organizing life in cities (polis in Greek). Politikon Zoon, it is a philosophical concept developed by Aristotle, which simply explains what humans.
Zoon politikon concept refers to the social and political dimension of man, which, together with the animal, is social in nature, but only man is political always living in community. That is, that the social dimension helps form the basis of education, and the political dimension contributes to the extension of that education.
Zoon With this application, you will find out what "politics" you're done. We extracted the main ideas of programs and websites of the major political parties in Spain and have made a simple test to find out what it's made our self political parties with which we identify, based on their programmatic ideas. You will be surprised strange coincidences and mixtures of parties that support our ideas.
Play and enjoy politics.
In later versions we will incorporate other political parties and refining the questions as they do on their websites.