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Aries: The ram with which Frixio and Hele traveled, when they left their native country to reach the colkide. It was later the golden fleece.

Taurus: There are two versions:

Crete's bull, a mythical beast that lived in that area.

The way Zeus adopted when he kidnapped Europe.

Gemini: The cástor and pobux twins. Podux was immortal, but not his brother Cástor. When Cástor died, Pollux offered his immortality to save his brother.

Cancer: The crab that Hera sent to help Hidra de Lerna, when she fought against Hercules.

Leo: Nemea's lion, dead at the hands of Hercules, who strangled him, because his skin was impenetrable. The hero defeated him with his own claws (the only thing he could hurt him) and stayed his skin as his symbol.

Virgo: The myth is that of Astrea, daughter of Zeus and Themis. He helped his father as a bearer of the rays during the war with the Titans. In reward to its loyalty, Zeus rose it to heaven and placed between the stars, giving rise to this constellation and end to the presence among the humans of the last immortal of the golden age.

LIBRA: Myth attributed to say, the goddess of justice, as well as in ancient Roman representations, was illustrated to Julio César carrying a balance, as a symbol of his power and justice. Later, the Roman ruler would be suppressed and the balance figure would remain.

Scorpio: Scorpion that the goddess Artemisa sent against the giant hunter Orion. Orion stepped on it and the scorpion stuck the sting. Both died and Zeus put each in front of the other, so that they did not fight.

Sagittarius: The Centaur Quirón, doctors doctor, tired of his status as an immortal, decided to change it for the salvation of Prometheus. When the treatment was formalized, Prometheus asked "why have you done it? Now that you are dead, no matter how much you get tired, you will not be able to change it ..."

Capricorn: Representation of the Amaltea goat, which breastfed Zeus when his mother Rea hid him from his father Cronos.

Aquarius: The young Ganymede, the godfather of the gods in the Olympus. A young man of extreme beauty that achieved the love of God Zeus.

Pisces: When the gods fled the Titan Typhoon, many adopted animal forms. Ares and Aphrodite did it in the form of fish and were fish for a fisherman. Other sources say that it was the damn cadmo and harmony that were fish.

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